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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Stock Items are utilised throughout Workbench as the backbone of the Stock system. An Item is a piece of Stock, an Item must exist to manage a piece of Stock, and all necessary parts of Stock Setup must be completed. It is necessary to issue and value stock on an ongoing basis.

This screen can be accessed through both the Stock list and Stock Setup list.

Screen Guide:

List Screen

The initial list shows all existing Stock Items and details. New items can be created using the + New Item button. 

Using the button on the left side of each row drops down subtotals for each Stock Location that contains the stock item.

There are several links available to see detailed information:

  • The Code field links to the item maintenance where you can adjust details of the item itself.
  • The Quantity on Order field links to Stock Transactions screen and pre-populates the filter for the details of the line clicked on, showing only Purchase Orders. The list is Period based, same as Stock Transactions screen (as opposed to being Transaction Date based).
  • Quantity on Hand links to Stock Transactions as well but shows all other transaction types for the line clicked onThe list is Period based, same as Stock Transactions screen (as opposed to being Transaction Date based).

Stock Item Maintenance/Creation

  • Code is the unique item code assigned to this stock item.
  • Description should describe the item for it to be searchable and distinguishable.
  • Inactive marks the item as inactive, preventing its use.
  • Unit is the unit of measurement.
  • Default Cost Rate is the default amount that the item costs the job when issued.
  • Use Rate changes the percent field below to a rate field.
  • Markup Percent/Rate changes between a percentage markup based on the Default Cost Rate or a specified rate when the Use Rate box is ticked.
  • Activity Code is the Activity that the item will use when being issued.
  • Category Code is an optional categorisation using Stock Categories.
  • Sub Category Code is an optional sub-categorisation using Stock Sub Categories, which depends on the above field being selected.
  • Group Code is an optional broader categorisation using Stock Groups.
  • Details is a space for further details or specifications about the stock item.

The location tab determines which Stock Locations are available to this stock item. You can denote specific rates and minimum/maximum quantities for each location.

Next Steps:

Stock Issue Batch Entry can be used to request and issue stock items.

Related Pages:


Stock Setup


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "placeholder" and space = "KB"

Process Flow: