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Beta Release

Scheduled Release - 12 Apr 2021

New Features

General - Formatted numeric entry on forms

Form fields for numeric data entry has been enhanced to provide auto formatting.

  • A comma thousands separator is auto displayed as you type for improved readability.

  • This separator is omitted on fields where it is unconventional or may cause confusion e.g. year and numeric codes.

  • The decimal precision is particular to the field and rounding occurs after saving i.e. currency amount are 2 decimal, rates are 4 decimal, and exchange rates are 8 decimals.

Feature Revisions


  • Timesheet Mobile - This is enhanced to support Disbursement activities with quantities exceeding 24, as it supported on the standard daily timesheet.

  • EBA Interpreter - The EBA Tags field in User Maintenance, Job Maintenance, and Job Templates have been extended to 255 characters to support more tag associations.


  • Purchase Order List - The 'Include Subjobs' filter has been added to the filter criteria for use in combination with Job = condition.

  • Purchase Order - An optional (info) icon is available on the PO line enabled by the BudgetDetails column on ‘Purchase Order Detail’ grid; hidden by default. The popup displays budget values matching the PO line Job, Work Centre, and Activity:

    • Total Budget: The sum of matching budget lines in local currency

    • Total Actuals + Outstanding Commitments: The sum of matching job transaction + sum of matching PO line outstanding value

    • Budget Remaining: Difference between the two above

  • AP Vouchers List - The 'Include Subjobs' filter has been added to the filter criteria for use in combination with Job = condition.

  • AP Vouchers - The ‘Source’ link on the This Voucher tab did not work when multiple POs were invoiced. This issue is now rectified.


  • Contractor Daysheet - The Rate on the daysheet was being rounded to 2 decimals on SV Approval. This is an issue where the original rate precision was quoted to more precision, and this issue is now rectified.


  • Job Adjustment Batch List - Add a ‘Created By’ filter to Job Adjustment Batch List.

  • Job Adjustment Batch - The batch currency is now populated with the local currency code even when foreign currencies are not used. This is to support compatibility with some financial integrations.

Month End

  • Batch Control (Export Control) - Added a ‘Created By’ as a filter and a column on Batch Control list.


  • Stock Item List - The Location sub-grid now includes additional columns displaying the various costs perspective i.e. Standard, Last and Average Cost for the location, while the Cost Rate column displays the applied cost as dictated by the 'Stock Cost method' control parameter.

  • Stock Item - The Stock Code length is now limited to 20 characters. Previously this reported an generic error that was unclear about the cause.

  • Stocktake - Rectified a technical parameter issue when using the ‘Refresh’ option which prevented it from running.


  • Reports - An issue where custom report files (.rdl) could be cleared if they used a duplicate ‘Report URL’ has been rectified. This was previously necessary to clean up duplicate Report URLs causing incorrect report rendering.

Human Resources

  • Employee, File Attachments tab - The ‘File Group’ option is retained after uploading a file to make uploading of the same type easier. Previously the option would be cleared after each upload.



  • Plant - If a plant location in Workbench has a default job assigned and currently does not exist in Upvise, this location will now be created as a region in Upvise without having to complete the manual data synchronisation.

Expense Claims


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