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Workbench Release Notes

New Features


  • Contract Claim Accruals process enhancements:
    We have made changes to this process so that it is re-runable.

The new changes are only enabled with a new beta control parameter, until we decide to make the change permanent. Use control parameter ‘BETA FEATURE - Enable Finalise Feature for Contract Claim Accruals’

The way the process has always worked makes the generation of claim accruals essentially irreversible, because the system creates the reversal and moves the unapproved claims into the next period as part of the process. So if there is something wrong, like an unapproved claim that should have been approved, or maybe something wrong with the GL coding, the process could not be re-run.

Changes done:

  • Removed the Profit Centre filter option on contract claim accrual generation as we want to ensure that accruals are always generated for all unapproved claims.

  • When the claim accrual is generated with the [Generate & Batch] button, a batch of accrual records is created as of now, but it does not move the claims into the next period, nor does it create a reversal batch. An Accrual Record Count is populated in the screen (it is a count of Contact Claims included in the batch).

  • The claim accrual batch report can be run and checked, and if there are any changes required, the accrual can be regenerated with the [Generate & Batch] button.

  • The claim accrual batch can be exported and if there are any problems, the accrual can be unexported and regenerated, until it is right.

  • At this stage the claim accrual records are flagged as provisional, and are not included in reporting or on the Month End tab of the Job Enquiry. This is to avoid double counting the unapproved revenue (or cost) in the period.

  • Then, when the claim accrual batch is exported successfully, a new function in the claim accrual screen is available to Finalise the batch. This does the following:

    • moves the claims into the next period

    • creates the reversal batch

    • removes the provisional flag on the accrual records

  • Things to consider:

    • the system does not allow a new batch to be created if either
      (a) there is an existing unfinalised batch for that FinCo and period or
      (b) there are no unapproved claims for that FinCo (i.e. the accrual batch would be empty)

    • Regenerating accruals removes the existing accruals before generating new ones.

    • use control parameter to enable this new process.

Contract Claim accrual process.mp4

Feature Revisions


Dockets & Daysheets


  • Vouchers

    • Data script for Voucher Logs compatibility:
      Log support in Voucher was moved from header to line level. For backward compatibility we have created a one-off script that will populate the log on the lines for those Vouchers already in progress with Log at header level.

  • Purchase Orders

    • Mobile purchase Orders not displaying saved lines:
      Approvals of POs created from the Mobile PO screen could not be approved as the saved lines were not being displayed. This has been rectified.

    • Purchase Order Workflow - Assign Approver popup:
      When only one Reviewer was available in the approval workflow the pop up screen to assign a reviewwer was not displaying not allowing the user to select the approver (when there were more than one possible approvers). This has been rectified.


  • Retention Trust Account details on a Subcontract can now be queried from a Sharpelright report, as this has been added to the Sharperlight Data model

  • Subcontract Retention Trust Accounts Balance reporting:

    The Review step is now optional. This is to cater for those cases where the person that generates the report and also sends the report is the same one, so reviewing wouldn’t be required; Generate & Bulk Send would suffice.




  • Enhancements:

    • The Markup from an Activity Code now populates a line after entry.

    • Fixed a NaN (Not a Number) error value displaying some times on Area, Weight, and Volume fields.

Service Desk

  • Log Write Off Utility:
    When logs are billed, especially on a quoted basis, unbilled transactions could end up incorrectly recorded in WIP, even though the log is finished with. A new utility has been created to retrospectively write off transactions on billed logs.
    Utility Parameter: Year/Period

    At some stage we will change the billing process to handle this.

Month End

System Setup

  • Creating a new activity from an existing activity:
    When creating a new Activity copied from an existing one, the system now also copies the Activity Groups where the original one is included.

  • Closing a Work Centre:
    When a Work Centre is closed, on either the Job screen or Contract screen, the system now populates the JobWorkCentres.ClosedByID (person who closed the WC) and  ClosedDate columns. Or alternatively, remove the date if opened.


  • Licence Matrix- What’s included in each licence:
    A new print icon has been added for ease of access to the report that shows what screens in Workbench each licence can access. Each licence name is also a hyper link to this report, but to make it more obvious it can now also be executed from the new print ico.

  • Licence Matrix guidance warnings:
    The guidance message when assigning role licences to users that already have a Finance and System Admin licence, it now ignores any third party licences being assigned like Sharperlight and Upvise.


Business Central/WIISE



  • Access to Upvise Integration screen in Workbench:

    We have expendaded the access to this screen to the Data Entry and Job Costing licences, as there are other type od users (not only Finance and System Admin) that require access to the export/import functionality.

    • New Permission "Allow Upvise Integration"

    • With this Permission, a user has access to the Last Update field, the "Export / Import" button, Save button, and the Fin Co Code combo.

      Finance licences or higher continue to have full access to the screen.

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