Beta Release
Release 18 May 2020
New Features
Subcontract Bonds
Basic recording of Subcontract Bonds details is now supported.
The Bonds tab lists the bonds recorded against the subcontract.
Essential details may be captured in the usual way for adding or editing a record.
The details become non-editable if ‘Released' is ticked.
The Bond Types are defined as Lookups of type 'SubcontractBondTypes'. Any previously defined types in the BondTypes table will be auto-migrated.
Profit Centre Group & Plant visibility
Profit Centre Group - The Profit Centre Group structure that is used to manage a user’s visibility and access now supports visibility of Plant Locations and associated Plant.
Specify the list of visible Plant Locations for the Profit Centre Group on the Plant Locations tab.
⚠ No list of Plant Locations implies complete visibility of all Plant Locations, and this is the default.
This control impacts all plant selections i.e. Plant list, Plant issue batch entry, Plant assignment, and Timesheet daily plant issue.
Feature Revisions
Timesheet Mobile - An issue where plant issue quantities less than an hour had to be specified with a leading zero is rectified.
Admin Timesheet Entry - An issue with the Back button on initial creation of new timesheets is rectified.
AP Voucher -
The framework migration disrupted the invoice image prompt that is displayed when loading attachments to a manual AP voucher; this has been rectified.
The explicit (pre-workflow) Assign functionality was only available on manually created AP vouchers. This functionality has been extended to included extraction sourced vouchers.
The interaction with the GST column is restored after a disruption due to the framework upgrade.
The Reassign functionality is restored after a disruption due to the framework upgrade.
AP Invoice - An issue was introduced in the previous release that did not display stock lines in the Confirm PO Lines popup.
Contract tab - Now provides a ‘Delete’ function on the condition that the contract does not have any schedules or invoicing.
Cashflow - All values on the Cashflow tab are now displayed without decimal values.
Job Maintenance - Editing the Parent Job now provides an option for the applied contract to support the unusual circumstance where the structure is initially incorrectly created. Previously the new parent job contract was always assumed.
A. Editing the Parent Job now displays a contract popup.
B. Specify either the new parent contract or use the current.
C. On Saving the parent job and contract are reflected in the maintenance popup.
⚠ Note this functionality must be used with caution as no validation can be performed and it is possible to create orphaned records. This is considered preferable to support some manual recovery rather than auto deleting ‘inconsistent’ data.
Budget - An issue where Bill Of Materials without a Description could not be selected is rectified. The BOM picker now searches by the associated BOM item code and description together with BOM description for the suggestions.
Daysheet Entry - An issue where the header date could save incorrectly when multiple Daysheet Entry screens where concurrently open on multiple tabs is corrected.
Leave Management
Leave Balance - The Leave Balance is now displayed hour units and not as days.
A new field LeaveBalanceHours is used to display an accurate reflection of the leave balance being provided from MYOB and MYOB Advanced.
The MYOB integration is updated to convert the leave days received to hours using the person’s DayHours.
Leave from MYOB Advanced is in hours.
The previous field LeaveBalanceDays although deprecated from the web screens, will continue to be populated as is.
Company - An issue where the indicators for Site Contact and Billing Contact were not saving correctly is rectified.
Data Imports -
Rectified an '"Invalid cast from 'System.String' …” error on AWS related to cookies.
Rectified a “.. Workbench application:{“data”:{”data”: null …” error that was reported after closing a validation error message.
Rectified the JobAdjustment Import that set FCRetail to Null during Import.
Setup Data Imports - Rectified a “.. Workbench application:{“data”:{”data”: null …” error that was reported after closing a validation error message.
Leave - The MYOB integration is updated to convert the leave days received to hours using the person’s DayHours and store in LeaveBalanceHours, however, LeaveBalanceDays will continue to be populated as is.
MYOB AccountRight
Enable export of Contract Claim Accruals and PO Accruals for wbif interfaces.
MYOB Advanced
Enable export of Contract Claim Accruals and PO Accruals for wbif interfaces.
Enable export of Contract Claim Accruals and PO Accruals for wbif interfaces.
Changes to custom fields associated with Equipment in Upivse now synchronise back to Workbench. Synchronisation will only occur where the custom fields were created via the Workbench interface based off the plant group extension view.
The ID formatting for regions has been changed. The region ID is now Plant Group Location Code + Plant Location code. Please note this is a hidden field and will need to be updated by the Workbench Consultant if regions are already being used.
LogHeaderApi - No longer shows deleted files.