Purchase Order Pricing

Purchase Order Pricing

If the Charge Type has the option Billing from POs enabled, you can invoice Purchase Order lines that have not yet been received.

Purchase Order lines can be entered on a Line Code or Activity Code basis, with the former using Catalogues and the latter coming from the Activities list. For each category, the priority of pricing is listed below with the highest priority starting at number one:

Catalogues with an Item

  1. Price Code - Sell Rate (if there is one)

  2. Price Code - Markup Percent (if there is one)

  3. Price Code - Activity Markup Percent (if there is one)

  4. Price Code - No Item or Activity (if there is one)

  5. Item Selling Rate (if not null)

  6. Item Markup Percent (if not null)

  7. Activity Markup Percent

Note that:

  • A MU% (Markup Percent) value of 0 (0.00%) will set the Retail Value to equal the Cost.

  • A MU% value of -1 (-100%) will set the Retail Value at $0.00.

Catalogues without an Item

  1. Price Code - Activity Markup Percent (if there is one)

  2. Price Code - No Item or Activity (if there is one)

  3. Catalogue Selling Rate (if not null)

Activity Only

  1. Price Code - Activity Markup Percent (if there is one)

  2. Price Code - No Item or Activity (if there is one)

  3. Activity Markup Percent

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