Work Order Portal Detail

Work Order Portal Detail


This screen gives you a read-only view of Work Orders assigned to you. You can see the individual lines that make up the subcontract value, and you also have the ability to attach files using the Attachments button.

Screen Guide:

General Tab

  • WO Number is the unique number given to this order.

  • Location is a default for your client and does not affect your order.

  • Subcontract is the subcontract this WO sits under.

  • Subcontractor is your company.

  • WO Type is the category of WO that this will sit under.

    • Original Contract - the original scope of works

    • Approved Variations - a type for any approved changes or additions of scope

    • Recharges - a place to transfer (or recharge) part or all of the remaining works to another WO or PO. This type usually contains negative WOs to reduce the expected commitment to this subcontract.

    • Subcontract Contingency - contingency amounts can be placed here for future allocation.

    • Unapproved Variations - variations that are not ready to be approved can be entered as unapproved, meaning they cannot be claimed yet.

  • Contact is your company contact person.

  • Purchaser is the client user who is responsible for this Work Order - this person can be different from the person who entered the data.

  • Approved By is only populated when your client has approved this order.

  • Currency is the currency that you operate in.

  • WO Date is the date of this order.

  • Year/Period is determined by the WO Date.

  • Complete is a tickbox that only activates once the WO has been fully consumed, or has been forcefully completed.

  • Comments is a free-text section that can be utilised in a variety of ways. It can include delivery instructions, handling instructions, notes for your project management or administration teams, etc.

Other Tab

  • Entered By is the user who entered the data for this order.

  • Financial Company is a client internal data field.

  • WO Reference is an optional field that is not required, but can be utilised for quote numbers, key identifiers, or any other situation.

  • Claimed Value This WO is the total value that has been claimed for this WO.

  • Estimate Reference is another optional reference field. If this WO was imported from a budget, it will bring in the estimate reference field here.

  • Required Date can be used to note when the client expects you to deliver the goods or execute the order.

  • Standing WO is a checkbox that when ticked, prevents this WO from being consumed by claims. This will cause the WO to have an indefinite end and allow you to continually claim for its value.


Addresses Tab

  • Job is the project this order was created under.

  • Address Title will display by default the selected Job site address, but can be changed.

  • Delivery Address displays the details of of the selected Address Title, but can manually be overridden. This field displays in the printed report as the delivery address.


Lines & Buttons

  • Description is text used to describe the line.

  • Details is optional free text and appears as subtext below the description when printing the WO, used to assist with specification or identification.

  • Line Code is the schedule code given to this line. This can be 1, 2, 3, or 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, or A, B, C, etc. This helps you define what is being claimed and acts as the schedule lines of a claim.

  • Unit is used as a unit of measurement, e.g. m/m3/kg/etc.

  • Rate is the cost per item being ordered on this line.

  • Quantity is the number of items being ordered on this line. If the line is a percentage, this should be "1".

  • Cost is the product of Unit Rate x Quantity.

  • Outstanding Quantity is the remaining net quantity expected to be processed against the order line.

  • Outstanding Cost is the remaining net value expected to be processed.

  • Complete designates that this line is cancelled or no longer going to be claimed. Contact your client if you think a line should be completed.


  • Print is not available for subcontractors to use.

  • Report Text is not available for subcontractors to use.

  • Attachments allows documents to be attached to the WO, such as specifications, emails, or quotes. These attachments remain attached to the WO indefinitely unless the WO is deleted.

  • Save will commit any changes to the system.

  • Close returns you to the Work Order Portal screen.

Next Steps:

You can view your subcontract in the Portal Summary page.


Related Pages:

Subcontract Portal


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