Multiple Financial Companies

Multiple Financial Companies


Workbench can be configured with multiple Financial Companies each one integrating with a different Xero instance.

Screen Guide:

Xero Integration

Each financial company is configured separately on the Xero Integration screen by selecting the appropriate entity from Fin Co Code.

For details on the Xero integration setup, refer to Getting Started with Xero Integration.

Financial Company Setup

An Inter-Company GL Account needs to be specified for each Financial Company. 

For details on refer to Financial Companies.

Inter-Company postings

When exporting a batch with inter-company elements (e.g. an AP Invoice for a supplier in FinCo 01, with a job on FinCo 02), then the accounting entries may be something like this.

When the batch has posted successfully to the primary Financial Company (in this case 01), then an inter-company entry appears in the list of batches.

This inter-company component can then be selected and exported to the other Financial Company.


Next Steps:

Once configuration is complete, data export from Workbench to Xero is initiated for the respective batch types from Export Control.



Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:


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