Released 16-May-2018
Base Release
Released 14-May-2018
Δ #1 Invoice Details - The new licensing model is included in this release. The migration will be managed using the 2 license matrices, refer New Features - General - Licensing.
New Features
Δ #1 Licensing

- The new License Matrix has been shipped in this version, and the old matrix is now listed as Legacy License Matrix. The application will continue to function based on the legacy definition until the consultant explicitly switches over.
- Note that the User Detail now displays only the new license structure, and if the site is not using new licencing then the Legacy License Matrix is the only way to adjust licencing.
- In order to switch to new licencing:
- Determine licencing requirements based on the new licencing regime. i.e. who needs what licences?
- Request and install an updated licence script based on new licencing
- Set the "Use Legacy Licencing" Control Parameter to "No".
- On the Legacy Licence Matrix screen, remove any licencing on decommissioned licences.
- Reallocate licences using the new Licence Matrix.

- The 'Release Notes' menu option is added under 'Help' in Profile menu. You can now get updated on the latest features even if you're not subscribed to the release notes.
- Non-application tiles on the Homepage now automatically open on a new tab to leave your work space intact.
Feature Revisions
- Bulk Timesheets - Previously on editing a plant issue line, the Rate Code was re-defaulted; this has been rectified.
- Expense Claims Details - The exchange rate was not initialised for the first line when a foreign currency is used. This is rectified.
- Import - When importing timesheet lines with the wbImportTimesheetData procedure, the string "Imported" is no longer added into the Details field.
- Purchase Requisition - The PR delivery address was not using the settings for the display of options and this is rectified. The settings are: Activate 'Deliver to Company', Activate 'Deliver to Us', and Activate 'Job Site Address' to enable the respective address options.
- Bulk Lines Procurement - Navigating from the Bulk Procurement list to the PO in IE displayed an outdated list. This is rectified by explicitly clearing the IE cache. However, for WebWB in general, it is recommended that this cache setting is changed for the browser. Internet Options-> General (Tab) -> Settings (Button) -> Temporary Internet Files(Tab) -> Select "Every Time I visit this page".
- Purchase Orders - The Line Code search popup now defaults to the PO supplier, although it can be changed. The suggestions on typing in grid behave as is.
- AP Invoice - Added an 'AP Invoice Auto System Batch' control parameter that determines whether an approved AP Invoice is put into a system batch. The default is true as per current behaviour.
- Budget Journal - The Approve action on the budget journal was defaulting the Budget Type to 'Journal'; this is corrected so that the entered budget type on the lines are retained.
Work Breakdown
- Activity Group - The Activity Group popup has been updated to default the Work Centre from the Activity. Previously the user would be required to explicitly select the required Work Centre. A script is also released to auto correct the invalid ActivityGroupLines that do not have a Work Centre with the Activity default.
- Job Invoices -
- Input Based - In Get Sales, instead of showing the Employee Number in the Reference column of transactions; the Employee Class and Time Code are now displayed if it is populated.
- Send Email - The Name field is no longer required when emailing an AR invoice.
- Subcontract Details & Subcontractor Portal -
- The visible tabs can now be configured by the 'Subcontract Tabs' setting which is available at global and person level.
- A control parameter 'Subcontract Summary Show Payments' has been added to toggle the display of payment related lines on the Summary tab. The default is True.
- The Claims tab is updated with a new column for 'Sub Claimed This Claim', to be consistent with the data available for certified value.
- The insurance process has been updated to allow a subcontractor to add insurance lines, but these will not come into effect until an internal user indicates the respective insurance as reviewed. The review indicator also requires a mandatory attachment of the policy document.
- Subcontract Claim & Subcontractor Portal -
- A new column 'Unit' has been added to the WO grid that displays the unit of measure at line level.
- The Qty values have been update to display at line level only.
Service Desk
- Log Details - The navigation between the Service Desk log and schedulers have been improved to support bi-directional navigation.
- My Approvals - Resolved possible issue where Subcontract Claim may not have displayed in My Approvals list. The reminder email has been updated to include on the following:
- AP Vouchers (MDE) for Review
- AP Vouchers (MDE) for Approval
- AP Vouchers (Web) for Approval
- AP Invoices (Web) for Review
- User List - The default value for the Inactive filter criteria is changed to 'No' to ease usability.
- Settings - The default operator for the Description and Category filter criteria are changed from 'starts with' to 'like' to ease usability.
- Data Transfer - The User Import utility has been enhanced to include the user company by AP Account. This enables import of external users such as subcontractors.
- Batch Control - The batch Export process has been revised to better cater for longer running exports.

A. Click [Export] when you are ready as per usual. The system will wait for 10 seconds for the export to complete.
B. Should the export not complete then it will continue in the background and you are informed through a message (in yellow).
C. Give a system a bit of time to finish up processing and use the [Apply Filter] button to view the result. It takes approximately 1 minute per 100 items in your batch for Xero; 10 minute per 100 items in your batch for MYOB.
- Report Emails - The pdf report file is now cleared before each send to prevent possibility of incorrect report attachments.
- AP Invoice - Enable multiple payments to be processed against an AP Invoice exported to MYOB.
- Improve error messaging for timeouts and background process execution.
- Improve error messaging for timeouts and background process execution.
New Report
- wbJob003 - Prints out all the workcentres for a job

Report Revisions
- wbrsJobTransactionsUnbilled - Remove zero PO lines from report.
- wbARInvoice001 - Date had been added in the Materials and Disbursments sections. All Standard Invoice formats have had their font size changed to 9pt for lines detail and 8pt for Long Description lines.
- wbARInvoice002 - Date had been added in the Materials and Disbursments sections. All Standard Invoice formats have had their font size changed to 9pt for lines detail and 8pt for Long Description lines. Increased font size in report detail.
- wbARInvoice003 - All Standard Invoice formats have had their font size changed to 9pt for lines detail and 8pt for Long Description lines.
- wbARInvoice004 - All Standard Invoice formats have had their font size changed to 9pt for lines detail and 8pt for Long Description lines.
- wbARInvoice005 - All Standard Invoice formats have had their font size changed to 9pt for lines detail and 8pt for Long Description lines.
- wbARInvoice006 - All Standard Invoice formats have had their font size changed to 9pt for lines detail and 8pt for Long Description lines.
- wbARInvoice007 - All Standard Invoice formats have had their font size changed to 9pt for lines detail and 8pt for Long Description lines.
- wbBatchAPInvoice001 - Changed GST Rate source to come from the time code.
- wbJobDateRange001 - Added in Comments for Dockets with no rows.
- wbJobTransaction002 - Revenue field was overstating revenue figure, this has now been fixed.
- wbLogMaintenance001 - Fixed Signature control.
- wbPOReport001 - Added Ordered Cost, Remaining Cost and Complete columns.
- wbPurchaseOrder001 - Changed font size. Fix uneven margins. Now has 'Unapproved PO Text' printed when appropriate.
- wbPurchaseOrder002 - Changed font size. Fix uneven margins. Now has 'Unapproved PO Text' printed when appropriate.
- wbPurchaseOrder003 - Changed font size. Now has 'Unapproved PO Text' printed when appropriate.
- wbPurchaseOrder004 - Now has 'Unapproved PO Text' printed when appropriate.
- wbWorkOrder001 - Changed font size.
- wbWorkOrder002 - Changed font size.
Report Reformat