Beta Release
Beta Released 04 Nov 2019
New Features
Document Communications
The initial phase of the Document Communications feature provides a template-based approach to standardised documents. A document includes some base attributes and allows client specific document formats to be defined through Extension fields and the related SSRS report. The preview and email of documents leverages the email Conversation panel with integrated Microsoft Office 365 email conversations to provide a view of sent and received emails (if Office 365 enabled on our AWS hosting platform). This feature is available under the Contracts or Subcontracts module.
The Document Communications feature is accessed from the Document List under the List menu. A new Document is created with the [+ New Document] button.
A. Select the required Doc Type as per the Document Type setup. This will drive the associated defaults in this tab and the Content tab. Also specify a Name for this document.
B. The editable Doc No can be specified or generated as per the Document Number setup. The existing number can be refreshed should a numbering component change.
C. Select the category for this document. The options available are as per the setup for the selected Doc Type.
D. Select the applicable Status. The options are as per Status setup.
E. Some document related dates may be recorded. The Doc Date and Response Required are included in the generic report.
F. The document may be associated to one or more entities, where Document is an existing document.
G. The outcome for this document may be recorded in due course.
H. Once you [Save] you can 'Reload Extension Columns' to view the associated fields. Conditional extension columns are setup in the usual manner.
Selection of the Doc Type on the Details tab also drives defaults on the Contents tab.
I. The document Details default from the Document Type Default Details as per the Document Type setup. This may be edited and supports basic html formatting and forms the main body of the generic report.
J. The email Subject defaults via Document Type as per the Document Email Template setup and may be edited.
K. The email Body also defaults via Document Type as per the Document Email Template setup and may be edited
L. Specify the Document From as the sender. This is included in the generic report as the sender of the document.
M. Specify the To recipient and CC recipient if required. Use the + button to add additional people. Only the To recipients are listed in the generic report.
N. Attachments to the email may be selected from those already attached to the document. Use the + button to add additional attachments.
O. Use the Preview button to display the PDF version of the document, noting a preview does not display email related details. Use the Edit button to return to this editable view. The Preview options list of reports must belong to the Report Type associated to the selected Document Type. The generic format installed is under the ‘Document Register’ Report Type.
P. When ready, use Send to email the document. The sent email is displayed in the conversation panel as the first email. A document MUST be previewed before it can be sent.
After sending, viewing the document will default to the PDF view.
Q. The default view for a sent message is the PDF view of the document.
R. Click the down/up caret to show/hide the email area.
S. The email area supports the typical Forward and Reply options, and these emails will also display in the conversation panel for the document.
T. The ‘Edit Message’ link will display the data entry view of the content tab.
Generic Document Report
The standard ‘Document Register’ report type includes the wbDocumentRegister001-Generic Document Register format that displays:
A. Email – Recipient and Subject information. This is only visible in the after it is sent; and is not visible on preview.
B. Document Info – Some basic document info pertinent to the recipient.
C. Header – This is dynamic based on the Document Type category.
D. Extension Fields – Any defined extension fields are listed.
E. Details – The document Details form the body of the document.
F. Attachments – Any attachments to the email are listed.
G. Document From – The specified Document From person is listed as the sender
Remember that for any Report Types to be visible they must be included in the relevant Report Groups.
Category Setup
The Category Hierarchy provides the customisable classification for a Document Type. Access 'Category Hierarchy' from the System Setup - Documents - Category Hierarchy menu.
• Select the ‘Document Register’ category as this is the base for all document type. If the ‘Document Register’ category does not exist, then use the [+ New Category] button.
• The first level items specify the available Document Types. To create a new Document Type you right-click for the menu and select ‘Create’. In the example we created a ‘Site Instructions’ document type.
• The lower levels (i.e. from level 2 onwards) define the classification structure for the Document Type. The are no standard rules implemented against the classification. In the example we create two categories for ‘Site Instructions’, namely ‘Mandatory’ and ‘Recommended’.
• The order of items can be change by dragging the respective folder icon using the hand icon, or the sub levels expanded / collapsed by clicking the caret.
Document Type Email Template Setup
Use the [+ New Template] button to create a new email template or click on the respective template name to edit. Although an email template can be shared across document types it is recommended that a separate template be created for each document type for clarity. Access 'Document Type Email Templates' from the System Setup - Documents - Register Email Templates menu.
A template consists of:
• Name – unique name that is displayed when listing email templates for selection. This name must be unique to these templates.
• Subject – the email subject that is defaulted for this template.
• Body – the email body that is defaulted for this template, which supports basic html formatting as supported in the editor.
Statuses Setup
A list of Status options may be configured. This is from the Statuses screen for the type 'Document Register Statuses'. Note these are NOT document type specific but system wide.
Extension Columns Setup
The extension columns are setup in the standard manner with support for view conditions. Extension fields are defined for the 'DocumentRegister' Extension Type.
Where a set of fields are particular to a scenario, for example a document type (by using View criteria DocumentRegister.DocumentRegisterTypeId with a Criteria Value), then the relevant criteria must be specified.
Multiple extension views are supported, so you may have generic attributes applicable to all documents (or the general Web Portal view) as well as document type specific attributes.
Document Number Setup
The control parameter ‘Document Register Number Template’ has a tokenised string definition for the Document Number. If the control parameter is not setup then the default number is the DocumentRegisterID.
The tokens supported are:
• [JobCode]
• [DocTypeId]
• [FormatNextNo]
So, a format like ‘[JobCode]-[DocTypeId]-[FormatCounter]’ would produce a Doc No of ‘4003-2-5’ for job code 4003, where say Site Instruction doc type id is 2, and the document is the fifth Site Instruction for job 4003.
The generated number may be refreshed unless the document has been sent.
Document Type Setup
The Document Type associates the respective element for the type. Access 'Document Register Type List' from the System Setup - Documents - Register Type menu.
• Type – This is the Category as setup.
• Template – Select the Email Template as setup.
• Report Type – You can use the ‘Document Register’ report type or the custom type is defined.
• Default Details – This is the default document body for this document type. Basic html formatting is available.
Datasheet Templates Simplified
The creation of Datasheet Templates has been simplified and no longer requires the questions to be created beforehand - the user can simply enters the Datasheet Templates List and creates or edit a template.
Before, the Question and it's attributes had to be created beforehand from the Question Maintenance screen, then selected in the template, together with possible overriding values. This was to allow for answer correlation to common questions across datasheets. Client feedback was that this is rarely the case and complicated template setup.
Now, the Question and its attributes are directly specified when setting up the template to provide a much simpler setup. The data structures are retained and the application auto-creates the required Question record in the background. This ensures that the new process is completely backwards compatible to any existing datasheet templates.
Feature Revisions
- Forecast -
- An issue where the Activity Comments were being cleared when performing a Refresh is rectified.
- Comments, Reviewed and Complete columns can now be hidden via Grid Management without errors occurring on the Forecast.
- Job List - Plant job will no longer display under the Job List. They are displayed on the Plant List where the relevant job attributes are available on the Plant Details - Details tab.
- Job Work Centres - changed the following forms to show the Job Work Centre description, instead of the standard work centre description (Plant Assignment, Plant Assignment Bulk, Job Procurement List, Job Procurement, Purchase Requisition, Docket List and Output Entry.)
- Purchase Orders - Can now sort by 'Original Value' or 'Outstanding Value' on the Purchase Order list screen without error.
- Purchase Requisitions - User will no longer be able to submit Purchase Requisitions that have no lines or the total is less than 1. An error message will occur: "Total Cost must be greater than 0 when submitted".
- Subcontract Claims List - Correct a display issue where the latest status was not being displayed arising from admin intervention of the workflow.
- Subcontract Claim - Using Grid Management to hide Quantity columns will no longer break the percentage column in the Work Orders tab.
Daily Diary
- Daysheet -
- The Work Centre field is now showing the Code and Description in the picker.
- When the date is typed in or changed it will save in the correct format.
- Contractor Daysheet - When the date is typed in or changed it will save in the correct format.
- Crew Timesheets - Ensured that invalid shifts cannot be entered.
- General - An issue where inactive plant was being displayed in the Plant Picker is resolved on
- Plant Issue Batch Entry
- Timesheet Entry / Plant Dialog
- Daily Diary Plant Issue
- My Leave Requests, Leave Administration and Bulk Leave - treat null in Total Days as 00d00h.
MYOB Accountright
- Enabled Other Expense and Other Income GL accounts to be imported into Workbench.
MYOB Advanced
- When creating Projects out of Jobs, add a default task with with ID and description hard-coded to “NONE”
- Only export jobs that have a group named ‘MYOB Advanced' under category 'Export’.
Workbench API
- Expense Claims are now accessible through the API. The standard methods are available:
New Reports
- wbBudgets006 - Job Budget Report - A new Job Budget report has been provided.
- wbJobSummary007 - Job Summary with Margin and WIP Movement - A new Job Summary report with Margin, WIP Movements and Invoiced amounts.
- wbJobSummary008 - Job Summary Profit by Profit Centre - Added JobSummary008 Job Summary by Profit Centre report - which shows the Job profit summaried by Profit Centre.
- wbTime010 - Time Report Work in Other Profit Centres - A new Time Report - Work in Other Profit Centres has been provided.
- wbTime011 - Time Report Timesheets By Day - A new Timesheets By Day time report has been provided.
Report Revisions
- wbSubcontractClaim005 - Subcontractor All in One Report - Corrected Claimed Value calculation.