- Created by Bao TRINH, last modified on Apr 05, 2024
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In Workbench, documents are stored in batches before they can be exported to the financial software. These APIs are about these batches.
Reuse or return a new System Batch for Workbench Import or list of all Workbench batches.
/api/BatchListApi | |||||
Method | Description | Performed As | Request Query | Request Body | Response |
GET | Reuse or returns a new System Batch for Workbench Import. Requires: BatchType, LocationCode, FinCoCode, YearNo and PeriodNo | - | - | ||
POST | Return all Workbench batches. |
Return or create batch Web Workbench screen.
/api/BatchDetailApi | |||||
Method | Description | Performed As | Request Query | Request Body | Response |
GET | Get Batch with JobTransactions for a BatchID | - | |||
POST | Create a new batch or update existing batch with batch transactions. |
The definitions of models specific to endpoints in this module.
Field | Type | Description |
BatchNo | Integer | Batch number. |
BatchType | string | Type of the batch. |
BatchDate | String | To determines what period the batch is created. |
PeriodNo | Integer | The period of the batch. |
YearNo | Integer | The year of the batch |
CreatedById | Integer | [ID of user or account?] |
CreatedDateTime | String | Date and time when the batch is created. |
LocationCode | String | The location from the FinCo. |
CompanyCode | String | Code of the company [or Finco] for the batch |
BatchReference | String | Reference text. |
BatchNotes | String | Batch comment. |
ClosedFlag | Integer | ??? |
ReversingJournal | Integer | ??? |
ReversingJournal | Integer | ??? |
ClosedDate | String | Date the batch is closed. |
ClosedById | Integer | Code of person who close the batch. |
NotForExportFlag | Integer | Flag to mark the batch is for exporting or not. |
NotForExportDate | String | Date the batch is marked as Not for Export. |
NotForExportId | Integer | Code of person who marked batch as Not for Export. |
ExportDate | String | Date of the export |
ExportedById | String | Code of person who made the export. |
ExportStatus | String | Includes: Created, In progress, Error, Successful. |
Parameter | Data Type | Description | Parameter Type |
batchType | String | Type of the batch | query |
docDate | date-time | Batch date? | query |
locationCode | String | Location comes from the FinCo | query |
finCoCode | String | Code of the finance company of the batch. | query |
batchGroup | String | Batch group. | query |
Field | Type | Description |
Total | Integer | Total number of batches |
Page | Integer | Number of screen page? |
Records | Integer | Total of record? |
Rows | Array | Array [BatchBatchLine] |
Form | Object |
Widgets |
Field | Type | Description |
BatchNo | Number of the batch | |
BatchType | Batch type. | |
BatchDate | Batch date. | |
Period | The financial period of the batch | |
CreatedBy | Person who created the batch | |
CreatedDate | Created date.. | |
Location | Location in the batch | |
FinancialCompany | Financial company for the batch | |
Closed | Status of the batch | |
ClosedDate | Date the batch has been closed. | |
ClosedBy | Who closed the batch. | |
Exported | Export status of the batch. | |
ExportedDate | Export date. | |
ExportedBy | Who exported the batch. | |
NotForExport | The batch is not for exporting. | |
NotForExportDate | Date marked as Not for Export | |
NotForExportBy | Who marked Not for Export. | |
Reference | Reference text. | |
BatchNotes | Notes/comments | |
ReversalOfBatch |
| |
HiddenBatchNotes | String |
BatchStatus | Status of the batch | |
BatchTotal |
| |
ReversingJournal |
| |
Button | ||
AttachmentsDialog |
| |
Import | Button | |
ImportAdjustment |
| |
PayrollPeriod |
| |
Currency | The currency | |
FcConversionRate | Foreign currency conversation rate. | |
UseForeignCurrency | Boolean | Does the batch use foreign currency. |
Field | Type | Description |
BatchNo | Integer | Batch number/code |
BatchType | String | Batch type. |
FinCoCode | String | Number code of the finance company |
Exported | Boolean | Is the batch exported? |
InterCoStatus | String |
HasExportErrored | Boolean | The exporting error. |
Field | Type | Description |
Type | String |
BatchNo | Integer |
Date | String |
Year | String |
Period | Integer |
YearPeriodIndex | Integer |
CreatedDate | String |
CreatedById | Integer |
CreatedByName | String |
FinancialCompany | String |
Location | String |
Reference | String |
Notes | String |
Reversal | Integer |
Closed | Boolean |
ReversingJournal | Boolean |
ClosedById | Integer |
NotForExport | Boolean |
Exported | Boolean |
ExportedById | Integer |
ExportDate | String |
ClosedDate | String |
ExportStatus | String |
InterCoStatus | String |
Select |
| |
Export |
| |
TypeValue |
| |
BatchNoValue |
| |
DateValue |
| |
YearPeriodValue |
| |
CreatedByValue |
| |
FinancialCompanyValue |
| |
ReferenceValue |
| |
NotesValue |
| |
ReversalValue |
| |
ClosedValue |
| |
NotForExportValue |
| |
ClosedDateValue |
| |
ExportDateValue |
| |
ExportStatusValue |
| |
InterCo |
| |
InterCoStatusValue |
| |
BatchStatus | String |
Status | String |
ReadonlyFlag | Integer |
ReadonlyMessage | String |
OriginalKey | BatchBatchKey |
CurrentKey | BatchBatchKey |
Key | BatchBatchKey |
Index | Integer |
Field | Type | Description |
Key | JobTransactionsJobTransactionKey |
Fields | BatchBatchFields |
Rows | Array[JobTransactionsJobTransactionLine] |
ValidationErrors | Array [MvcValidationError] |
Parameter | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
batchNo |
| Integer |
batchType |
| String |
Field | Type | Description |
BatchNo | Integer |
BatchType | String |
Field | Type | Description |
JobTranId | Integer |
PersonId | Integer |
JobCode | String |
FinCoCode | String |
ActivityCode | String |
ActivityCodeValue | String |
ActivityType | String |
ActivitySubType | String |
WorkCentreCode | String |
WorkCentreCodeValue | String |
ItemId | Integer |
StockLocationCodeValue | String |
CostRateValue | Number |
BatchType | String |
OrderDerivedLine | Boolean |
DocketDerivedLine | Boolean |
StockDerivedLine | Boolean |
Type | String = ['InwardsGoodsEntry', 'InwardsGoodsEdit', 'Issue', 'Return', 'Transfer', 'Requisition'] |
PurchaseOrderLineIdValue | Integer |
LogHeaderId | Integer |
KeyName | String |
CompanyId | Integer |
GSTTypeCodeValue | String |
Field | Type | Description |
TranDate | String |
LogHeaderID | Integer |
FcCost | Number |
FcRetail | Number |
PurchaseOrderLineId | Integer |
StockLocationInactive | Boolean |
Unit | String |
EnteredByID | Integer |
SourceID | Integer |
FCGST | Number |
JobCodeValue |
| |
LogHeader |
| |
ActivityCodeValue |
| |
WorkCentreCodeValue |
| |
QuantityValue |
| |
FcCostValue |
| |
CostValue |
| |
GSTTypeValue |
| |
GSTTypeCodeValue |
| |
GSTRateValue |
| |
GSTValue |
| |
NetValueValue |
| |
ReferenceValue |
| |
FcRetailValue |
| |
RetailValue |
| |
LineDescriptionValue |
| |
DetailsValue |
| |
FromPONumberValue |
| |
PurchaseOrderLineIdValue |
| |
StockLocationCodeValue |
| |
StockItemCodeValue |
| |
TotalLineCostValue |
| |
CostRateValue |
| |
UnitValue |
| |
FCGSTValue |
| |
Delete |
| |
Serials |
| |
SerialRows | Array[TabletSerialLine] |
Status | String |
ReadonlyFlag | Integer |
ReadonlyMessage | String |
OriginalKey | JobTransactionsJobTransactionDetailKey |
CurrentKey | JobTransactionsJobTransactionDetailKey |
Key | JobTransactionsJobTransactionDetailKey |
Index | Integer |
Field | Type | Description |
TranDate | String |
LogHeaderID | Integer |
Returns a new Batch for Workbench Import.
{ "predicate": { "PredicateRows": [{ "LeftOperand": "Closed", "Operator": "Eq", "RightOperand": [ "true" ], "Display": true }, { "LeftOperand": "Exported", "Operator": "Eq", "RightOperand": ["false"], "Display": true } ] }, "sidx": "Date", "sord": "desc", "page": 1, "rows": 20, "StringValue": "Adjustment,Adj Reversal,AP Credit,AP Invoice,AR Credit,AR Internal,AR Invoice,AR Receipt,CCC Accrual,Disbursement,Docket,Payroll,Plant Issue,PO Accrual,Revenue Journal,SCC Accrual,Stock Adjust,Stock Issue,Stock Qty,Stock Return,Stock Trf,Stock Value,Sub Claim,Timesheet,WIP Accrual" }
SystemBatchApiModel { BatchNo (Integer, optional), BatchType (string, optional), BatchDate (string, optional), PeriodNo (Integer, optional), YearNo (Integer, optional), CreatedById (Integer, optional), CreatedDateTime (string, optional), LocationCode (string, optional), CompanyCode (string, optional), BatchReference (string, optional), BatchNotes (string, optional), ClosedFlag (Integer, optional), ReversingJournal (Integer, optional), ClosedDate (string, optional), ClosedById (Integer, optional), NotForExportFlag (Integer, optional), NotForExportDate (string, optional), NotForExportId (Integer, optional), ExportDate (string, optional), ExportedById (Integer, optional), ExportStatus (string, optional) }
Response Sample
{ "BatchNo": 224049, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "BatchDate": "2023-11-30T00:00:00", "PeriodNo": 5, "YearNo": 2024, "CreatedDateTime": "2023-11-07T11:42:47.44", "LocationCode": "0", "CompanyCode": "01", "BatchReference": "AP Invoice Auto", "ClosedFlag": 0, "ReversingJournal": 0, "NotForExportFlag": 0 }
Get the list of Workbench batches
GridRequestParametersApi { predicate (DynamicPredicateApi), sidx (string), sord (string), page (Integer), rows (Integer), jobCode (string, optional), finCoCode (string, optional), functionalCode (string, optional) = ['General', 'PurchaseOrders', 'PurchaseOrderApproval', 'PurchaseRequisitions', 'Timesheets', 'TimesheetReviews', 'TimesheetApproval', 'TimesheetApprovalList', 'ServiceLog', 'ServiceDesk', 'ExpenseClaims', 'ExpenseClaimReviews', 'ExpenseClaimApproval', 'ExpenseClaimAdminApproval', 'TabletTimesheet', 'TabletTimePlant', 'Scheduler', 'LeaveManagement', 'LeaveTypeManagement', 'CrewTimesheets', 'Refueling', 'HumanResources', 'DailyDiary', 'Datasheets', 'Stock', 'LogDaysheet', 'PortalPeople', 'PortalCompany', 'Workflow', 'Reporting', 'ProfitCentres', 'ExternalSalesCodes', 'InternalSalesCodes', 'ActivityReportCode', 'ProfitCentreReportCode', 'SalesCodeReportCode', 'Batch', 'Budget', 'Billing', 'TimeCodes', 'Disbursement', 'Jobs', 'ApInvoices', 'Adjustments', 'Plant', 'NonStockLocation', 'JobContract', 'Processes', 'JobReceipt', 'Forecast', 'SubContracts', 'WorkOrderApproval', 'StockItem', 'ApInvoiceApproval', 'ApCreditApproval', 'TimesheetAdminApproval', 'DocketEntry', 'Revenue', 'Vouchers', 'VoucherApproval', 'Quotes', 'ProductionMeasures', 'StockIssue', 'Utilities', 'SubcontractClaimWorkflowApproval', 'BulkInvoice', 'WorkOrder', 'DocumentRegister', 'Activities', 'SalesCodes', 'ContractorDaysheet', 'Materials', 'ExternalPlant', 'JobInvoices', 'BillOfMaterials', 'Users', 'Daysheet', 'Procurement', 'DocketReconciliation', 'Imports', 'ScheduleStoredProcedure', 'Internal', 'TrustAccount', 'Impersonation', 'SubContractRetentionTrustAccount', 'ContractRetentionTrustAccount'], IntValue (Integer, optional), StringValue (string, optional), BoolValue (boolean, optional), DateValue (string, optional) } DynamicPredicateApi { PredicateRows (Array[DynamicPredicateRowApi]), IsOr (boolean, optional) } DynamicPredicateRowApi { LeftOperand (string), Operator (string) = ['Lt', 'Gt', 'Eq', 'Ne', 'Le', 'Ge', 'Like', 'IsOneOf', 'IsNotOneOf', 'Between', 'StartsWith', 'StartsWithIsOneOf', 'Either'], RightOperand (Array[string]), Display (boolean, optional) }
GridResult_BatchBatchLine { total (Integer, optional), page (Integer, optional), records (Integer, optional), rows (Array[BatchBatchLine], optional), form (object, optional), widgets (Array[ViewData_GridWidget], optional) } BatchBatchLine { Type (string, optional), BatchNo (Integer, optional), Date (string, optional), Year (Integer, optional), Period (Integer, optional), YearPeriodIndex (Integer, optional), CreatedDate (string, optional), CreatedById (Integer, optional), CreatedByName (string, optional), FinancialCompany (string, optional), Location (string, optional), Reference (string, optional), Notes (string, optional), Reversal (Integer, optional), Closed (boolean, optional), ReversingJournal (boolean, optional), ClosedById (Integer, optional), NotForExport (boolean, optional), Exported (boolean, optional), ExportedById (Integer, optional), ExportDate (string, optional), ClosedDate (string, optional), ExportStatus (string, optional), InterCoStatus (string, optional), Select (CellData, optional), Export (CellData, optional), TypeValue (CellData, optional), BatchNoValue (CellData, optional), DateValue (CellData, optional), YearPeriodValue (CellData, optional, read only), CreatedByValue (CellData, optional), FinancialCompanyValue (CellData, optional), ReferenceValue (CellData, optional), NotesValue (CellData, optional), ReversalValue (CellData, optional), ClosedValue (CellData, optional), NotForExportValue (CellData, optional), ClosedDateValue (CellData, optional), ExportDateValue (CellData, optional), ExportStatusValue (CellData, optional), InterCo (CellData, optional), InterCoStatusValue (CellData, optional), BatchStatus (string, optional), Status (string, optional), ReadonlyFlag (Integer, optional), ReadonlyMessage (string, optional), OriginalKey (BatchBatchKey, optional), CurrentKey (BatchBatchKey, optional), Key (BatchBatchKey, optional), Index (Integer, optional) } ViewData_GridWidget { WidgetId (Integer, optional), LayoutCode (string, optional), Name (string, optional), Colour (string, optional), BGColour (string, optional), Icon (string, optional), Type (string, optional), Visible (boolean, optional), Order (Integer, optional), Count (Integer, optional), WidgetLines (Array[ViewData_GridWidgetLine], optional) } CellData { CellId (string, optional), CellValue (string, optional), CellNumValue (number, optional), CellBoolValue (boolean, optional), CellTag (string, optional), CellValueDate (string, optional), CellValueInt (Integer, optional) } BatchBatchKey { BatchNo (Integer, optional), BatchType (string, optional), FinCoCode (string, optional), Exported (boolean, optional), InterCoStatus (string, optional), HasExportErrored (boolean, optional) } ViewData_GridWidgetLine { WidgetLineId (Integer, optional), WidgetId (Integer, optional), Name (string, optional), Predicate (string, optional), Order (Integer, optional), Count (Integer, optional) }
Response Sample
{ "total": 13, "page": 1, "records": 253, "rows": [ { "Type": "AP Invoice", "BatchNo": 224066, "Date": "2024-03-31T00:00:00", "Year": 2024, "Period": 9, "YearPeriodIndex": 24297, "CreatedDate": "2024-03-07T10:54:30.63", "FinancialCompany": "01", "Location": "0", "Reference": "AP Invoice Auto", "Notes": "This batch was flagged as Not For Export by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024\r\nThis batch was flagged as Closed by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024", "Closed": true, "ReversingJournal": false, "ClosedById": 340, "NotForExport": true, "Exported": false, "ExportStatus": "[Blank]", "Select": { "CellId": "224066", "CellValue": "224066", "CellTag": "224066" }, "Export": { "CellBoolValue": false }, "TypeValue": { "CellValue": "AP Invoice" }, "BatchNoValue": { "CellId": "UpdatePopupDialog", "CellValue": "224066", "CellBoolValue": false, "CellTag": "224066" }, "DateValue": { "CellValue": "31-Mar-2024", "CellValueDate": "2024-03-31T00:00:00" }, "YearPeriodValue": { "CellValue": "2024/09" }, "CreatedByValue": { "CellId": "" }, "FinancialCompanyValue": { "CellId": "01", "CellValue": "01" }, "ReferenceValue": { "CellValue": "AP Invoice Auto" }, "NotesValue": { "CellValue": "This batch was flagged as Not For Export by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024\r\nThis batch was flagged as Closed by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024" }, "ReversalValue": {}, "ClosedValue": { "CellBoolValue": true }, "NotForExportValue": { "CellBoolValue": true }, "ExportDateValue": {}, "ExportStatusValue": { "CellId": "StatusPopupDialog", "CellBoolValue": true }, "InterCo": { "CellBoolValue": false }, "InterCoStatusValue": { "CellId": "InterCoStatusPopupDialog", "CellBoolValue": true }, "ReadonlyFlag": 0, "OriginalKey": { "BatchNo": 224066, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "01", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "CurrentKey": { "BatchNo": 224066, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "01", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "Key": { "BatchNo": 224066, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "01", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "Index": 0 }, { "Type": "AP Invoice", "BatchNo": 224067, "Date": "2024-03-31T00:00:00", "Year": 2024, "Period": 9, "YearPeriodIndex": 24297, "CreatedDate": "2024-03-13T10:32:13.49", "FinancialCompany": "01", "Location": "EQUIP", "Reference": "AP Invoice Auto", "Notes": "This batch was flagged as Closed by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024\r\nThis batch was flagged as Not For Export by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024", "Closed": true, "ReversingJournal": false, "ClosedById": 340, "NotForExport": true, "Exported": false, "ExportStatus": "[Blank]", "Select": { "CellId": "224067", "CellValue": "224067", "CellTag": "224067" }, "Export": { "CellBoolValue": false }, "TypeValue": { "CellValue": "AP Invoice" }, "BatchNoValue": { "CellId": "UpdatePopupDialog", "CellValue": "224067", "CellBoolValue": false, "CellTag": "224067" }, "DateValue": { "CellValue": "31-Mar-2024", "CellValueDate": "2024-03-31T00:00:00" }, "YearPeriodValue": { "CellValue": "2024/09" }, "CreatedByValue": { "CellId": "" }, "FinancialCompanyValue": { "CellId": "01", "CellValue": "01" }, "ReferenceValue": { "CellValue": "AP Invoice Auto" }, "NotesValue": { "CellValue": "This batch was flagged as Closed by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024\r\nThis batch was flagged as Not For Export by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024" }, "ReversalValue": {}, "ClosedValue": { "CellBoolValue": true }, "NotForExportValue": { "CellBoolValue": true }, "ExportDateValue": {}, "ExportStatusValue": { "CellId": "StatusPopupDialog", "CellBoolValue": true }, "InterCo": { "CellBoolValue": false }, "InterCoStatusValue": { "CellId": "InterCoStatusPopupDialog", "CellBoolValue": true }, "ReadonlyFlag": 0, "OriginalKey": { "BatchNo": 224067, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "01", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "CurrentKey": { "BatchNo": 224067, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "01", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "Key": { "BatchNo": 224067, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "01", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "Index": 0 }, { "Type": "AP Invoice", "BatchNo": 224070, "Date": "2024-03-31T00:00:00", "Year": 2024, "Period": 9, "YearPeriodIndex": 24297, "CreatedDate": "2024-03-13T00:00:00", "CreatedById": 340, "CreatedByName": "WebWorkbench Admin", "FinancialCompany": "BAOT", "Location": "0", "Reference": "AP Invoice-2024/09-3", "Notes": "This batch was flagged as Not For Export by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024\r\nThis batch was flagged as Closed by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024", "Closed": true, "ReversingJournal": false, "ClosedById": 340, "NotForExport": true, "Exported": false, "ExportStatus": "[Blank]", "Select": { "CellId": "224070", "CellValue": "224070", "CellTag": "224070" }, "Export": { "CellBoolValue": false }, "TypeValue": { "CellValue": "AP Invoice" }, "BatchNoValue": { "CellId": "UpdatePopupDialog", "CellValue": "224070", "CellBoolValue": false, "CellTag": "224070" }, "DateValue": { "CellValue": "31-Mar-2024", "CellValueDate": "2024-03-31T00:00:00" }, "YearPeriodValue": { "CellValue": "2024/09" }, "CreatedByValue": { "CellId": "340", "CellValue": "WebWorkbench Admin" }, "FinancialCompanyValue": { "CellId": "BAOT", "CellValue": "BAOT" }, "ReferenceValue": { "CellValue": "AP Invoice-2024/09-3" }, "NotesValue": { "CellValue": "This batch was flagged as Not For Export by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024\r\nThis batch was flagged as Closed by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024" }, "ReversalValue": {}, "ClosedValue": { "CellBoolValue": true }, "NotForExportValue": { "CellBoolValue": true }, "ExportDateValue": {}, "ExportStatusValue": { "CellId": "StatusPopupDialog", "CellBoolValue": true }, "InterCo": { "CellBoolValue": false }, "InterCoStatusValue": { "CellId": "InterCoStatusPopupDialog", "CellBoolValue": true }, "ReadonlyFlag": 0, "OriginalKey": { "BatchNo": 224070, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "BAOT", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "CurrentKey": { "BatchNo": 224070, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "BAOT", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "Key": { "BatchNo": 224070, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "BAOT", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "Index": 0 }, { "Type": "AP Invoice", "BatchNo": 224071, "Date": "2024-03-31T00:00:00", "Year": 2024, "Period": 9, "YearPeriodIndex": 24297, "CreatedDate": "2024-03-13T15:21:37.54", "FinancialCompany": "BAOT", "Location": "LTEST", "Reference": "AP Invoice Auto", "Notes": "This batch was flagged as Not For Export by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024\r\nThis batch was flagged as Closed by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024", "Closed": true, "ReversingJournal": false, "ClosedById": 340, "NotForExport": true, "Exported": false, "ExportStatus": "[Blank]", "Select": { "CellId": "224071", "CellValue": "224071", "CellTag": "224071" }, "Export": { "CellBoolValue": false }, "TypeValue": { "CellValue": "AP Invoice" }, "BatchNoValue": { "CellId": "UpdatePopupDialog", "CellValue": "224071", "CellBoolValue": false, "CellTag": "224071" }, "DateValue": { "CellValue": "31-Mar-2024", "CellValueDate": "2024-03-31T00:00:00" }, "YearPeriodValue": { "CellValue": "2024/09" }, "CreatedByValue": { "CellId": "" }, "FinancialCompanyValue": { "CellId": "BAOT", "CellValue": "BAOT" }, "ReferenceValue": { "CellValue": "AP Invoice Auto" }, "NotesValue": { "CellValue": "This batch was flagged as Not For Export by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024\r\nThis batch was flagged as Closed by WebWorkbench Admin on 13-Mar-2024" }, "ReversalValue": {}, "ClosedValue": { "CellBoolValue": true }, "NotForExportValue": { "CellBoolValue": true }, "ExportDateValue": {}, "ExportStatusValue": { "CellId": "StatusPopupDialog", "CellBoolValue": true }, "InterCo": { "CellBoolValue": false }, "InterCoStatusValue": { "CellId": "InterCoStatusPopupDialog", "CellBoolValue": true }, "ReadonlyFlag": 0, "OriginalKey": { "BatchNo": 224071, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "BAOT", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "CurrentKey": { "BatchNo": 224071, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "BAOT", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "Key": { "BatchNo": 224071, "BatchType": "AP Invoice", "FinCoCode": "BAOT", "Exported": false, "HasExportErrored": false }, "Index": 0 }, { "Type": "AP Credit", "BatchNo": 224075, "Date": "2024-03-31T00:00:00", "Year": 2024, "Period": 9, "YearPeriodIndex": 24297, "CreatedDate": "2024-03-19T12:01:29.77", "FinancialCompany": "01", "Location": "0", "Reference": "Auto", "Closed": true, "ReversingJournal": false, "NotForExport": false, "Exported": false, "ExportStatus": "[Blank]", "Select": { "CellId": "224075", "CellValue": "224075", "CellTag": "224075" }, "Export": { "CellBoolValue": false }, "TypeValue": { "CellValue": "AP Credit" }, "BatchNoValue": { "CellId": "UpdatePopupDialog", "CellValue": "224075", "CellBoolValue": false, "CellTag": "224075" }, "DateValue": { 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Get Batch with JobTransactions for a BatchID
JobTransactionApiModel { Key (JobTransactionsJobTransactionKey, optional), Fields (BatchBatchFields, optional), Rows (Array[JobTransactionsJobTransactionLine], optional), ValidationErrors (Array[MvcValidationError], optional) } JobTransactionsJobTransactionKey { BatchNo (Integer, optional), BatchType (string, optional) } BatchBatchFields { BatchNo (StringViewData, optional), BatchType (StringViewData, optional), BatchDate (DateViewData, optional), Period (StringViewData, optional), CreatedBy (StringViewData, optional), CreatedDate (DateViewData, optional), Location (StringViewData, optional), FinancialCompany (StringViewData, optional), Closed (BoolViewData, optional), ClosedDate (DateViewData, optional), ClosedBy (StringViewData, optional), Exported (BoolViewData, optional), ExportedDate (DateViewData, optional), ExportedBy (StringViewData, optional), NotForExport (BoolViewData, optional), NotForExportDate (DateViewData, optional), NotForExportBy (StringViewData, optional), Reference (StringViewData, optional), BatchNotes (StringViewData, optional), ReversalOfBatch (StringViewData, optional), HiddenBatchNotes (string, optional), BatchStatus (StringViewData, optional), BatchTotal (DecimalViewData, optional), ReversingJournal (BoolViewData, optional), Print (SplitButtonViewData, optional), AttachmentsDialog (FileAttachmentsViewData, optional), Import (ButtonViewData, optional), ImportAdjustment (SplitButtonViewData, optional), PayrollPeriod (OptionsViewData, optional), Currency (PickerViewData, optional), FcConversionRate (DecimalViewData, optional), UseForeignCurrency (boolean, optional) } JobTransactionsJobTransactionLine { TranDate (string, optional), LogHeaderID (Integer, optional), FcCost (number, optional), FcRetail (number, optional), PurchaseOrderLineId (Integer, optional), StockLocationInactive (boolean, optional), Unit (string, optional), EnteredByID (Integer, optional), SourceID (Integer, optional), FCGST (number, optional), JobCodeValue (CellData, optional), LogHeader (CellData, optional), ActivityCodeValue (CellData, optional), WorkCentreCodeValue (CellData, optional), QuantityValue (CellData, optional), FcCostValue (CellData, optional), CostValue (CellData, optional), GSTTypeValue (CellData, optional), GSTTypeCodeValue (CellData, optional), GSTRateValue (CellData, optional), GSTValue (CellData, optional), NetValueValue (CellData, optional), ReferenceValue (CellData, optional), FcRetailValue (CellData, optional), RetailValue (CellData, optional), LineDescriptionValue (CellData, optional), DetailsValue (CellData, optional), FromPONumberValue (CellData, optional), PurchaseOrderLineIdValue (CellData, optional), StockLocationCodeValue (CellData, optional), StockItemCodeValue (CellData, optional), TotalLineCostValue (CellData, optional), CostRateValue (CellData, optional), UnitValue (CellData, optional), FCGSTValue (CellData, optional), Delete (CellData, optional), Serials (CellData, optional), SerialRows (Array[TabletSerialLine], optional), Status (string, optional), ReadonlyFlag (Integer, optional), ReadonlyMessage (string, optional), OriginalKey (JobTransactionsJobTransactionDetailKey, optional), CurrentKey (JobTransactionsJobTransactionDetailKey, optional), Key (JobTransactionsJobTransactionDetailKey, optional), Index (Integer, optional) } MvcValidationError { n (string, optional), m (string, optional) } StringViewData { StringValue (string, optional), Name (string, optional), Visible (boolean, optional), Disabled (boolean, optional), Required (boolean, optional) } DateViewData { DateValue (string, optional), Name (string, optional), Visible (boolean, optional), Disabled (boolean, optional), Required (boolean, optional), InfoText (string, optional) } BoolViewData { BoolValue (boolean, optional), Name (string, optional), Visible (boolean, optional), InfoText (string, optional) } DecimalViewData { DecimalValue (number, optional), Name (string, optional), Visible (boolean, optional), InfoText (string, optional) } SplitButtonViewData {} FileAttachmentsViewData { RelatedRecordID (string, optional), RelatedRecord (string, optional), FileUrl (StringViewData, optional), Name (string, optional), InfoText (string, optional) } ButtonViewData { UseAttrDisable (boolean, optional), NotRelative (boolean, optional), Name (string, optional), Visible (boolean, optional), Disabled (boolean, optional), InfoText (string, optional) } OptionsViewData { SelectedOption (string, optional), Settings (Array[KeyValuePair], optional), Name (string, optional), Visible (boolean, optional), Disabled (boolean, optional), Required (boolean, optional), InfoText (string, optional) } PickerViewData { SelectedValue (string, optional), SelectedText (string, optional), Name (string, optional), Visible (boolean, optional), Disabled (boolean, optional), Required (boolean, optional), InfoText (string, optional) } CellData { CellId (string, optional), CellValue (string, optional), CellNumValue (number, optional), CellBoolValue (boolean, optional), CellTag (string, optional), CellValueDate (string, optional), CellValueInt (Integer, optional) } TabletSerialLine { SerialNo (CellData, optional), SerialNoSelect (CellData, optional), BatchNo (CellData, optional), BatchNoSelect (CellData, optional), ExpiryDate (string, optional), SerialDetails (CellData, optional), Quantity (CellData, optional), TransDetails (CellData, optional), Delete (CellData, optional), Status (string, optional), ReadonlyFlag (Integer, optional), ReadonlyMessage (string, optional), OriginalKey (TabletSerialLineKey, optional), CurrentKey (TabletSerialLineKey, optional), Key (TabletSerialLineKey, optional), Index (Integer, optional) } JobTransactionsJobTransactionDetailKey { JobTranId (Integer, optional), PersonId (Integer, optional), JobCode (string, optional), FinCoCode (string, optional), ActivityCode (string, optional), ActivityCodeValue (string, optional), ActivityType (string, optional), ActivitySubType (string, optional), WorkCentreCode (string, optional), WorkCentreCodeValue (string, optional), ItemId (Integer, optional), StockLocationCodeValue (string, optional), CostRateValue (number, optional), BatchType (string, optional), OrderDerivedLine (boolean, optional), DocketDerivedLine (boolean, optional), StockDerivedLine (boolean, optional), Type (string, optional) = ['InwardsGoodsEntry', 'InwardsGoodsEdit', 'Issue', 'Return', 'Transfer', 'Requisition'], PurchaseOrderLineIdValue (Integer, optional), LogHeaderId (Integer, optional), KeyName (string, optional), CompanyId (Integer, optional), GSTTypeCodeValue (string, optional) } KeyValuePair { Key (string, optional, read only), Value (string, optional, read only) } TabletSerialLineKey { SNID (Integer, optional), SNTranID (Integer, optional) }
Response Sample
{ "Key": { "BatchNo": 124007, "BatchType": "Payroll" }, "Fields": { "Print": { "Default": "/WorkbenchCivil/Reports/Batch_Reports/wbBatchPayroll001", "Labels": { "/WorkbenchCivil/Reports/Batch_Reports/wbBatchPayroll002": "wbBatchPayroll002", "/WorkbenchCivil/Reports/Batch_Reports/wbBatchPayroll003": "wbBatchPayroll003", "/WorkbenchCivil/Reports/Batch_Reports/wbBatchPayroll001": "wbBatchPayroll001" }, "UseAttrDisable": true, "NotRelative": false, "Name": "Print", "Visible": true, "Disabled": true, "Required": false }, "AttachmentsDialog": { "RelatedRecordID": "124007", "RelatedRecord": "BatchHeader", "FileUrl": { "Name": "File URL", "Visible": true, "Disabled": false, "Required": false }, "Visible": true, "Disabled": false, "Required": false }, "Import": { "UseAttrDisable": false, "NotRelative": false, "Name": "Import", "Visible": false, "Disabled": true, "Required": false }, "ImportAdjustment": { "Labels": { "2": "wbImportAdjustments", "71": "wbImportAdjustmentsWithGST", "84": "wbImportAdjustmentsWithLogNos" }, "UseAttrDisable": false, "NotRelative": false, "Name": "Import", "Visible": true, "Disabled": false, "Required": false }, "UseForeignCurrency": true }, "Rows": [] }
Response Sample
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