Workbench Release Notes
General Release
Scheduled Release - 01 May 2023
Hotfix Release
GST calculation on Vouchers:
The GST field in the AP voucher tab was no longer auto-calculating and the totals were not automatically calculating either (NET, GST and TOTAL). This has been rectified.
Beta Release
Scheduled Release - 24 April 2023
New Features
Lists - Companies:
Company addresses format:
In order to facilitate address integration across our partner systems we can now support the use of six address fields for street line 1, street line 2, Suburb, City, State, and Country. This will ensure that the corresponding address components are passed appropriately at other integration points.
This is especially required if you are using Upvise Jobs, so addresses are exactly the formatting Upvise requires, and your Upvise Jobs have the correct location for your employee to get to.The intention is to formalise the address structure in Companies, and new fields have been added to introduce this address structure on Job Site Address, Purchase Order Delivery Address, and Service Log Site Address. When this Address structure is enabled by the new control parameter 'BETA FEATURE - Structured Addresses', a manual sync of companies from the financial system will be required if you want each address field in the financials system to map to the exact address field in Workbench.
From then on, any action will use structured address fields, but if sourced from pre-existing data it may require manual intervention to align if desired.
For step-by-step details on how to migrate from the original address structure to the new one please check this article
Feature Revisions
Budget Entry - Plant picker filter improvements with Plant Group and Class:
On budgets using Revenue and Cost Element, and At Cost Element, a plant picker can be used to find the plant that needs to be added to the budget line. Better filters have been added to this picker, so users can search in a list of plant items filtered by Plant Group and/or Plant Class.
Job Enquiry - Summary tab to include Contract Claim Accruals as Revenue:
Contract Claim Accrual values are not included in the respective Revenue columns in Job Summary in Job Enquiry.
My Approvals:
Users will now have visibility of the Job(s), that the document to be approved, is related to. A new column Job Codes has been added which displays the Job(s), and also a new filter to be able to find comments related to a specific Job.
Purchase Orders:
New filters on Purchase Order list:
Users can now search for Purchase Orders by Profit Centre and Location on Purchase Orders List.New filters added:
'Line Profit Centre' filter applied as PurchaseOrderLines.JobCode -> Jobs.ProfitCentreCode
'Line Location' filter applied as PurchaseOrderLines.JobCode -> Jobs.ProfitCentreCode -> ProfitCentres.LocationCode
Ctrl + I - new PO line:
A new Purchase order line can now be added using hotkeys: Ctrl + i keys
Subcontract dates:
On a new subcontract the fields Payment Basis and Processed Date As will be prepopulated with the values from the Subcontractor’s last subcontract, or if there no existing subcontract, the values on the latest Subcontract created will be used as defaults. These values can be changed.Subcontract Claims - Sent back status:
Subcontract Claims can now be filtered by Sent Back status.
Plant assignment new reports:
There are 2 new reports that can be printed from a Plant assignment:Historical Hire Schedule which displays all plant including returned items.
Summary Hire Schedule, which shows the list plant items which is currently assigned.
Billing EBA transactions:
When doing Input billing on transactions generated by the EBA process, on the Get Sales screen, the system now displays the Time Code from the Payroll transactions on the Get Sales Reference column, rather than the Job transaction which actually may not have a Time Code.
Month End
Job Transactions Allocations - 4 decimal places:
To avoid invalid rounding errors, this screen now displays all 4 decimal places from the Job transactions on the Quantity and Cost columns:
Users - Financial company on the Employee:
The Financial Company on the Employee has now been moved to the Employee Detail tab and is now read-only and populated with the Financial Company of the Profit Centre of the user.A validation was also added, to handle those cases where the employee already has a Profit Centre and a Financial Company that does not match the one on the Profit Centre. In this case, the Profit Centre needs to be re-selected to appropriately populate the Finco.
For Payroll purposes, the Finco on the user must be the Finco of the Profit Centre the employee is domiciled.Licence Matrix:
Self-Service Licence - Xtracta integration:
Enhancements have been implemented so the renewal or plan upgrade of Xtracta licences takes effect as expected.Access to My Stock Location site map item has been added to all the licences that include access to Stock, under the new licences regime.
Job addresses:
See details for address structure migration under the New Features section.Equipment Hours and equipment stock issues subforms are now compatible with unlinked daily diary versions (diary templates not linked to anything).