Workbench Release Notes:
Beta Release
Scheduled Release - 2 August 2021
New Features
Plant Bulk Meter Readings new screen: This new screen under Plant provides a view of meter readings across plant items, and supports bulk entry of meter readings for multiple plant items. It assumes that Meters have been configured and implements the same validation as entering readings on individual plant items.
Feature Revisions
Forecasting: A new column that displays the Purchase Order and Work Order types has been added on the pop-up screen for Expected Commitments column.
Daysheets - Stock
Purchase Orders: Rectified an issue when recosting a Purchase Order with catalogue items. The recosting process was using the incorrect catalogue. This issue only happened when besides a standard Catalogue, the stock item was in a Job Procurement List.
Start and End validation when Control Parameter 'Validate Timesheet Start and End Times' is set to Yes:
When saving a timesheet, the system now checks that Quantity is consistent when a start and end time is populated.
When saving a timesheet and a validation error pops up, the system keeps the line details. Previosuly, details were being deleted.
Start and End validations are ignored if the activity sub-type is either “KMS“ or “Leave“.
Month End