The integration between Benchmark and Workbench is done with a flat file exported from a Benchmark project and can be imported either into a Workbench Job Budget with the Benchmark file as it is or importing the Benchmark file can be imported into a Workbench Quote Costsheet, which will require the file to be modified a bit to match the columns of the Workbench import.
Benchmark Project Resource Code must match Workbench Activity code
Benchmark Project Resource Cost Code must match Workbench Work Centre Code
File Benchmark file must be modified to have a total of 22 columns (Benchmark exports 21 columns which matches the Workbench Budget import).
Costsheet must be created first.
Costsheet Input must be At Revenue & Cost Element (not At Cost Element, nor At Activity, Work Centre), which has a format of Revenue lines and cost lines under each Revenue line. The Revenue lines are Benchmark Project Items, and the Cost lines are the Benchmark Resources.
Import stored procedure is Cost Sheet Schedule Import (wbImportCostSheetScheduleLinesWeb). Download the import file sample, and populate it with the data from the file.
Quantity column from the original file needs to be moved as the last column
Add a Markup column after Sell Rate. No values needed. This will make a total of 22 columns.
Tips to troubleshoot errors:
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Benchmark configuration:
Attached is a document from Benchmark with the steps on how to configure Cost Codes, the integration, and how to create the export file. It is highly recommended that you check Benchmark’s user documentation first, to make sure you check the latest documentation, however, this document version will suffice to understand the steps required to be done in Benchmark.