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This process has been developed for the Month End process for companies that wish to accrue uncertified claims within their processing period. The batch is a reversing batch which you can choose to export the data to Excel via the Export button and/or to your financial system.

NoteNote: closing a batch does not stop the movement of the accruals. If you generate a batch with no Profit Centre, all transactions for the selected Financial Company will move into the batch.


  • The Contract Claim Accrual account is set up in the respective Financial Company details on the GL Accounts tab.

  • If the batch has been exported OR is flagged as not for export then:

    • Generate and Batch is DISABLED

    • Finalise is ENABLED

    • Generate and Batch is ENABLED

    • Finalise is DISABLED

  • Once the batch is finalised a second reversal batch is automatically created for the next period, ready to export and reverse the accrual.

Screen Guide:

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  1. Choose the Financial Company

(and Profit Centre if you want to narrow down the accrual)
  1. , select + New to create a new batch, defaulting to the Financial Company you selected

, then select to Generate & BatchImage Removed
  1. .

  1. The Batch will be created

. Select the Financial Company to see the batches that have been created for that company. Where the transaction has been batched, the Batch No field will be filled in. If you have a batch selected and choose to Generate & Batch again, it will regenerate the batch based on the current filter. 

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Use the Maintain button to open the Batch screen. Here, you can make changes to the batch header and\or to Print the batch. 

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Next Steps:

Once the batch is generated, you can close and export the batch through Export Control. The reversing batch in the next period will automatically be generated, ready to reverse the accrual.

If you do not wish to send accrual batches to your financial system, be sure to tick Not For Export on the batch.
  1. with the Accrual Count = 0.
    The system does not allow a new batch to be created if either
    (a) there is an existing unfinalised batch for that FinCo and period or
    (b) there are no unapproved claims for that FinCo (i.e. the accrual batch would be empty).

  2. Generate & Batch
    A batch of accrual records is created as of now, but it does not move the claims into the next period, nor does it create a reversal batch.
    An Accrual Record Count is populated on the screen (it is a count of Contract Claims included in the batch).

  3. The claim accrual batch report can be printed and checked from the Details button, and if there are any changes required (like an unapproved claim that should have been approved and exported, or maybe something wrong with the GL coding), the accrual can be regenerated with the [Generate & Batch] button as many times as needed.
    Regenerating accruals removes the existing accruals on the batch before populating it again.

  4. The claim accrual batch can be exported. If there are any problems, the accrual can be unexported and regenerated, until it is right.
    Alternatively, it can be flagged as Not For Export and closed (and even exported to Excel and manually imported into the financial system if that is the process you follow).

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  5. The claim accrual records are created as provisional and are not included in reporting or on the Month End tab of the Job Enquiry. This is to avoid double counting the unapproved revenue (or cost) in the period.

  6. Then, when the claim accrual batch is exported successfully, you must Finalise the batch to:

    • move the claims into the next period

    • create the reversal batch

    • remove the provisional flag on the accrual records so they are included in reporting and Month End in Job Enquiry.

The number of the reversal batch will be populated on the Reversal batch No field, and it is a hyperlink to Export Control.

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Next Steps:

Related Pages:

Contract Claims


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "ClaimAccruals" and space = "KB"

Process Flow: