Note: There is no separate 3.0.11 or 3.0.12 releases - their functionality has been incorporated into 3.0.13.
Datasheets are always read only unless:
- the daysheet has not been completed
- the user is the daysheet 'assigned to' person or has "Datasheet Administration" permissionOnce a a datasheet has been completed for more than 24 hours, it may only be uncompleted by someone with "Datasheet Administration" permission.
Contractor Daysheets
- A person is qualified to SV approve a daysheet line if either:
- they are the SV approver on the schedule (i.e. PersonID = Catalogues.SupervisorID) OR
- they have the "Contractor Daysheet Admin" permission
Leave Scheduler is now showing a leave that is part way through (i.e. started last week and continues on the current week)
Extension Field Data
Purchase Requisitions
- Ability to maintain PR Types. See PR Types Maintenance and Application to PO Creation Module
- Fixed PR "Requested For" field not showing on some browsers.
- PRs for review/approval schedule email reminder will now be sent to the delegate if any, otherwise it will go to the original review/approver.
- Added additional validation around entering details in an autopicker field (e.g. Job), to avoid invalid data.
- Validation of Work centre linked to the selected Activity when entering PR lines.
- When creating a PO from a PR that havs more than 1 page of PR lines, the selected lines, despite the page thei are in, will be included in the same PO.
- PO creation process has been fixed to not change PR totals to be the sum of the PR lines selected. PR total is the sum of all PR lines, not only the PR lines selected for the PO.