Setting 'Purchase Requisition Workflow Email
Enabled' must be enabled for Workflow notifications to be sent.
Reviewer/Approver Role: An email is sent to each reviewer/approver, when a PR has been assigned to them.
Subject: Purchase Requisition PRxx-xxxxx for Review/Approval
It contains the links to the standard PR details screen and the mobile PR details screen.
Procurer Role: An email is sent to each user with the Procurer role (for the PR job's PC or the PR job's PC group), after a PR has been approved.
Subject: Purchase Requisition PRxx-
xxxxx for Procurement
It contains the link to the PO creation screen.
Requester Role:
-An email is sent to theRequester (PurchaseRequisition.RequestedByID person) when a PR has been assigned back to her/him by an Editor.
Subject: Purchase Requisition Assigned back to Requester
- An email is sent to the Requester (PurchaseRequisition.RequestedByID person) when a PR has been converted into a PO.
Subject: Purchase Order xxx Created for PRxx-
xxxxx (being xxx the PO number created)
-An email is sent to the Requester when
a PR is declined/sent back/approved.
Emails are recorded on Emails table. From WebWorkbench you can see them on Administration>Email status list menu.
Emails are sent only to active users.