Versions Compared


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Hotfix Release

Release 15 Nov 2019

  • AP Voucher List - Rectifies an issue where sorting by Company and Assigned was not correct.
  • Limited release and a reports issue requires manual rollback of reports to previous version.

Beta Release

Beta Released 04 Nov 2019

New Features

Document Communications

The initial phase of the Document Communications feature provides a template-based approach to standardised documents. A document includes some base attributes and allows client specific document formats to be defined through Extension fields and the related SSRS report. The preview and email of documents leverages the email Conversation panel with integrated Microsoft Office 365 email conversations to provide a view of sent and received emails (if Office 365 enabled on our AWS hosting platform). This feature is available under the Contracts or Subcontracts module.


The Document Communications feature is accessed from the Document List under the List menu. A new Document is created with the [+ New Document] button.


The Category Hierarchy provides the customisable classification for a Document Type. Access 'Category Hierarchy' from the System Setup - Documents - Category Hierarchy menu.


Use the [+ New Template] button to create a new email template or click on the respective template name to edit. Although an email template can be shared across document types it is recommended that a separate template be created for each document type for clarity. Access 'Document Type Email Templates' from the System Setup - Documents - Register Email Templates menu.


The Document Type associates the respective element for the type. Access 'Document Register Type List' from the System Setup - Documents - Register Type menu.



MYOB Accountright

  • Enabled Other Expense and Other Income GL accounts to be imported into Workbench.

MYOB Advanced

  • When creating Projects out of Jobs, add a default task with with ID and description hard-coded to “NONE”
  • Only export jobs that have a group named ‘MYOB Advanced' under category 'Export’.


  • wbJobSummary008 - Job Summary Profit by Profit Centre - Added JobSummary008 Job Summary by Profit Centre report - which shows the Job profit summaried summarised by Profit Centre.
  • wbTime010 - Time Report Work in Other Profit Centres - A new Time Report - Work in Other Profit Centres has been provided.
