Grid Management is used to modify the grid (or column) display of various pages within Workbench. Some fields are hidden by default, while others are required for the page to function. Column widths are also adjustable to your company's preference.
Please note that any changes made here are global and affect all users.
Screen Guide:
From the Screen Selection drop down menu, you will find a list of names that correspond to different pages within Workbench. These names will not be the same as the page itself but rather a system name. Some of these lists are used in multiple pages.
The Reset button will restore the selected list back to its defaults. This is useful if any changes you made had unintended consequences.
The Name column is the system label for the field, whereas the Display Name column is what you will see displayed in the actual page. The Display Name can be changed, although they are usually better left as the defaults to avoid confusion.
Hidden tick boxes, when ticked, will hide the corresponding column in the page(s) that it is linked to. It is recommended to hide columns only if you know exactly what they are for and to test the result before letting your users attempt to use the page being changed.
Changing the Width field will widen or shrink the column in the page. The numbers represent pixels. Note that it is recommended to keep the width of a page as concise as possible, as very wide screens will result in a horizontal scroll bar. Conversely, shrink the width too much and the DisplayName will be cut off.
Save must be clicked if you want to save any changes to the list that you made. Exiting or navigating away from the screen without saving will cancel all changes.
Expand |
title | See the list of grids... |
Grid | Screen - Element | Description |
Activity Group List | Activity Groups |
| Activity List | Activities |
| AP Batch List |
| Deprecated | AP Invoice List | AP Invoice Enquiry |
| Approval List |
| BatchAP Credit | AP Credit Batch Entry |
| BatchAP Invoices | AP Invoice Batch Entry |
| Batch Entry List | Batch Payroll Batch Labour Journal Stock Return Batch Entry Job Receipting Batch Entry Subcontract Claims Batch Entry |
| Batch Job Receipts | Job Receipting Batch Entry |
| Batch Job Transactions | Job Adjustment Batch Entry Stock Issue Batch Entry |
| Batch Plant Issue | Plant Issue Batch Entry |
| Charge Type List | Charge Types |
| Company List | Companies |
| Company List Datasheets | Company popup - Datasheets tab |
| Contract Type List | Contract Types |
| Cost Category List | Cost Categories |
| Cost Schedule Procurement List | Docket Schedule popup - Procurement tab |
| Cost Sheet Fields |
| Cost Sheet Lines | Quote - Cost Sheet popup - Lines tab | For Activity Work Centre, and Cost Element input formats | Cost Sheet Revenue Lines | Quote - Cost Sheet popup - Lines tab | For Revenue Cost Element input format | Cost Sheet Revenue Popup Lines | Quote - Cost Sheet popup - Lines tab - Cost Lines popup | For Revenue Cost Element input format | Credit Card Approval |
| Credit Card My Transactions |
| Currency List | Currencies |
| Daily Diary Material |
| Deprecated | Daily Diary Plant External |
| Deprecated | Daily Diary Plant Internal |
| Deprecated | Daily Diary Stock Issues |
| Deprecated | Daily Diary Timesheet |
| Deprecated | Data Import Detail List | Data Import popup |
| Data Import List | Data Import List |
| Datasheet List | Datasheets |
| Datasheet Scheduling List | Datasheet Scheduling |
| Datasheet User List | My Datasheets |
| Daysheet Detail |
| Daysheet Entry |
| Daysheet List Job Outputs | Daysheet popup - Outputs tab |
| Daysheet List Plant | Daysheet popup - Plant tab |
| Daysheet List Timesheet | Daysheet popup - Timesheet tab |
| Discussion List | Discussions |
| Docket Entry Job Outputs |
| Deprecated tab | Docket Entry Plant | Deprecated
| Deprecated tab | Docket Entry Timesheet | Deprecated
| Deprecated tab | Document Register List |
| Expense Claim Admin Approve |
| Expense Claim Admin List |
| Expense Claim Approval |
| Expense Claim Approve By Location |
| Expense Claim Detail |
| Expense Claim Detail Line |
| Expense Claim List |
| Financial Company List |
| Forecast Adjustment |
| Forecast Labour | Job Contract - Forecast tab - Forecast Labour popup |
| Forecast Plant | Job Contract - Forecast tab - Forecast Plant popup |
| HR Allowances List |
| HR Employee List |
| HR Jobs History |
| HR tbl Assigned Allowances List |
| HR tbl Education List |
| HR tbl Family List |
| HR tbl Medical Report List |
| HR tbl Passes List |
| HR tbl Training List |
| Image Document List | Image Documents |
| Input Based Sales | Job Sales Invoice - | Input / Output Based Sales | For the Get Sales for invoices of input or output based sales billing type | Inwards Goods List | New Inwards Goods |
| Job Budget Detail | Job Budget |
| Job Contract Bonds | Job Contract - Bonds tab |
| Job Contract Budget | Job Contract - Budget tab |
| Job Contract Claims | Job Contract - Claims tab |
| Job Contract Forecast | Job Contract - Forecast tab |
| Job Contract Receipts | Job Contract - Receipts tab |
| Job Contract Retentions | Job Contract - Dates tab - Retentions panel |
| Job Contract Schedules | Job Contract - Schedules tab |
| Job Contract User Dates | Job Contract - Dates tab - User Dates panel |
| Job Enquiry Details | Job Enquiry - Details tab |
| Job Enquiry Items | Job Enquiry - Items tab ? |
| Job Enquiry Orders | Job Enquiry - Orders tab |
| Job Enquiry Outputs | Job Enquiry - Outputs tab |
| Job Enquiry Revenue | Job Enquiry - Revenue tab |
| Job Enquiry Revenue Analysis | Job Enquiry - Revenue Analysis tab |
| Job Enquiry Summary | Job Enquiry - Summary tab |
| Job Enquiry Transactions | Job Enquiry - Transactions tab |
| Job Financials | Job Financials |
| Job Output Entry | Job Output Entry |
| Job Outputs |
| Deprecated grid | Job Scheduler | Job Scheduler - Gantt columns |
| Leave Management Admin List | Leave Administration |
| Leave Management Approval List | Leave Approval |
| Leave Management List | My Leave Requests |
| Leave Management Type List | Leave Types |
| Log Maintenance Internal Plant |
| Log Maintenance Job Outputs |
| Log Maintenance List | Service Logs |
| Log Maintenance Timesheet |
| My Approvals | My Approvals |
| Period End Maintenance | Period End Maintenance |
| Plant Budget Detail |
| Plant Enquiry Transactions | Plant Enquiry - Transactions tab |
| Plant Item List | Plant Items |
| Plant Item Rate | Plant Item popup - Plant Rate tab |
| Plant Rate Code List | Plant Rate Codes |
| PO Confirmation |
| Procurement Approval Field List |
| Procurement Approval List |
| Procurement Detail Field List | Job Procurement - Procurement tab | Procurement Layout setting | at global or individual value of is 'ProcurementDetailFieldList' | Procurement Detail List | Job Procurement - Procurement tab | Procurement Layout setting | at global or individual value of is 'ProcurementDetailList' | Procurement Summary List | Job Procurement - Summary tab |
| Production Measure List | Production Measures |
| Profit Centre List | Profit Centres |
| Purchase Order Detail | Purchase Order popup |
| Purchase Order List | Purchase Orders |
| Purchase Requisition Detail | Purchase Requisition lines |
| Purchase Requisition List |
| Quote List |
| Report List |
| Report Type List |
| Retention List |
| Revenue Forecast | Revenue Forecast |
| Sales Code List |
| Schedule Based Sales |
| Screen Control Parameters |
| Screen Permissions |
| Screen Settings |
| Service Desk Tablet List |
| Service Log Completion |
| Service Log Outputs |
| Stock Additional |
| Stock Category List |
| Stock Deliveries List |
| Stock Group List |
| Stock Issues |
| Stock Item List |
| Stock Receipts |
| Stock Requisition Edit |
| Stock Requisition List |
| Stock Returns |
| Stock Sub Category List |
| Sub Contract Claim | Subcontract Claim popup - Work Orders tab |
| Sub Contract Claim List | Subcontract - Claims tab |
| Subcontract Claims List | Subcontract Claims |
| Sub Contract List |
| Sub Contractor Claim |
| Sub Contractor Claim List |
| Subcontract User Dates |
| Tablet Time And Plant List |
| Timesheet Admin Approve |
| Timesheet Approval |
| Timesheet Approval List |
| Timesheet Approval Management |
| Timesheet Approval Management By Loc |
| Timesheet Approve By Location |
| Timesheet Daily | Desktop Timesheets | Daily format | Timesheet Daily Admin | Admin Timesheet Entry |
| Timesheet Group List |
| Timesheet Job Manager Approval |
| Timesheet List |
| Timesheet Weekly | Desktop Timesheets | Weekly format | Voucher Detail | AP Voucher popup - This Voucher tab |
| Voucher Docket Line List | AP Voucher popup - Docket Lines tab |
| Voucher Invoice Line List | AP Voucher popup - AP Invoice Lines tab | For an AP Voucher Credit | Voucher Line Scan Config | Image Documents - Lines Config popup | For system use in Lines Config popup; not to be managed in Grid Management | Voucher Line Scan List | AP Voucher popup - Scan Lines panel | For system use in Lines Config popup; not to be managed in Grid Management | Voucher List | AP Vouchers |
| Voucher Po Line List | AP Voucher popup - PO Lines tab |
| WO Required |
| WO Required External |
| Work Centre Group List |
| Work Centre List |
| Work Order Detail |
| Work Order Detail External |
| Work Order List |
| Work Order List External |
Next Steps:
Once you have made modifications to the desired page columns, be sure to test the page to ensure that the changes are as you intended.