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Template Types are used as an optional way of filtering Datasheet Templates for use with Service Logs or Plant Groups. By creating Types and specifying log types or plant groups, you can assign specific Templates a type so that they can only be used with that log type or plant group.

Screen Guide:

Initial List

Image Added

The initial screen lists existing Types, and the Name field is the link to edit/view the type's details. To create a new Type, click + New Template Type.

New/Edit Type

Main Tab

Image Added

Types must be given a Name, and you can optionally give it a Description if needed.

References Tab

Image Added

To restrict the use of this template to a certain Log Type or Plant Group, you can add the desired restriction here. If the Plant Group does not exist, you can create it in Plant Groups and assign the group to the desired Plant Items. Currently, Log Types cannot be added by users; please contact your consultant if the available types are not appropriate for your situation.

Next Steps:

Once the type is created, it can be assigned to Templates. When users create new Datasheets using that type, the available list of Plant or Logs will be limited to the list set in the References Tab.


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "placeholder" and space = "KB"

Process Flow: