Beta Released Scheduled 04 Nov 2019
New Features
Document Communications
The control parameter ‘Document Register Number Template’ has a tokenised string definition for the Document Number. If the control parameter is not setup then the default number is the DocumentRegisterID.
• Type – This is the Category as setup in (B).
• Template – Select the Email Template as setup in (C).
• Report Type – You can use the ‘Document Register’ report type or the custom type is defined.
• Default Details – This is the default document body for this document type. Basic html formatting is available.
Datasheet Templates Simplified
The creation of Datasheet Templates has been simplified and no longer requires the questions to be created beforehand - the user can simply enters the Datasheet Templates List and creates or edit a template.
Feature Revisions
- Forecast - Comments, Reviewed and Complete columns can now be hidden via Grid Management without errors occurring on the Forecast.
- Job Work Centres - changed the following forms to show the Job Work Centre description, instead of the standard work centre description (Plant Assignment, Plant Assignment Bulk, Job Procurement List, Job Procurement, Purchase Requisition, Docket List and Output Entry.)
- Purchase Orders - Can now sort by 'Original Value' or 'Outstanding Value' on the Purchase Order list screen without error.
- Purchase Requisitions - User will not longer be able to submit Purchase Requisitions that have no lines or the total is less than 1. An error message will occur: "Total Cost must be greater than 0 when submitted".
- Subcontract Claims List - Correct a display issue where the latest status was not being displayed arising from admin intervention of the workflow.
Daily Diary
- Daysheet:
- The Work Centre field is now showing the Code and Description in the picker.
- When the date is typed in or changed it will save in the correct format.
- MYOB Accountright - enabled Other Expense and Other Income GL accounts to be imported into Workbench.
- MYOB Advanced -
- When creating Projects out of Jobs, add a default task with with ID and description hard-coded to “NONE”
- Only export jobs that have a group named ‘MYOB Advanced' under category 'Export’.