Base Release 4.2.26.x
Scheduled Released 20 Aug 2018
New Features
AP Vouchers
The AP Vouchers with OCR based data extraction and auto creation is now available. Here’s a quick walk-through of key functionality:
The optical character recognition (OCR) used for data extraction automates the data entry for AP invoices and credits. After ‘training’ the OCR engine with 3 or 4 examples per supplier invoice, the data recognition is accurate with limited false positives on passed documents; especially as most suppliers now email PDF documents that are technically a digital format that subject to blur issues of actual faxed and scanned images. The user interface for OCR data validation is simple, using ‘point-and-click’ for data editing when required.
The AP voucher allows the invoice to be recorded immediately as ‘received’ without cost impacts on jobs. This facilitates process tracking without compromising cost allocations. A voucher can be manually created, but will now more likely be created using OCR image extracted values to default to the created AP voucher. The PDF of the invoice is attached to the AP Voucher created for visibility when reviewing and approving the AP Voucher.
For detailed usage notes consult AP Voucher in the Documentation.
Feature Revisions
- Mobile Timesheets - The issue on Plant Issues where the default Work Centre description was displayed rather than the Job Work Centre descriptions is rectified.
- Forecast -
- The Work Centre level of Forecast now supports the same type of drill down as per the Activity level.
- The Complete indicator now disables the line from Adjustments.
- Purchase Order -
- Backward compatibility on the Purchase Order API is restored.
- The 'Complete' column on the grid and the 'Complete' are now disabled unless the PO is approved ti improve usability.
- PO header section's fields have been updated to 3 column structure to improve layout.
- The Send Email popup now defaults the first contact on the People List in the company as the default in the "To" field.
- The ctrl param 'Unapproved PO Text' is now available, and the text in this field will print at the top of Unapproved POs e.g. 'Requisition Only'
- AP Vouchers List -
- The Export to Excel feature is added to the Apply Filter button on the list.
- Invoice Status and Batch Number columns have been added to the AP Voucher List.
- Assigned is added as a filter to AP Voucher List.
- Voucher ID is added as a filter.
- AP Voucher -
Voucher line Details are adjusted to read data from PO line rather than defaulting from Activity.
- An issue where attachments could not be made without first saving a manual voucher is rectified.
- It is now possible to add attachments irrespective of the voucher status, although they cannot be deleted if the voucher is approved.
- An Uncancel option is now available on AP Voucher to revert unintended cancellations to a New status.
- 'Send Back' button is moved to the right with other action buttons for usability.
- The already used invoice number check is now also performed on Save.
- The 'Value Incl' column on 'This Voucher' tab is now editable, and will adjust GST on edit.
- If the Invoice Date is in a closed period when the voucher is approved AND if the ctrl param 'Check AP Invoice Date is in Batch Period' is Yes; then:
- The invoice is put into the next open period
- The Invoice Date is updated to the 1st of the new period and
- A comment is added to the voucher and AP Invoice regarding the date change.
- AP Voucher Workflow -
A ctrl param 'Voucher Workflow Comments' is added to control use of comments on workflow actions; default is On and Off suppresses comments.
My Approval -
The Decline button has been re-labelled 'Send Back' to align appropriately with its function
The Next button function has been rectified.
- AP Invoice List - A Job filter is added to AP Invoice List and filters for AP Invoice lines.
- AP Invoice - The 'Default' button on the Confirm PO was inadvertently disabled. This is rectified.
- Job Financial List - The view now includes numeric totals, although it requires the user to apply the appropriate filters to enough the values are meaningful in context.
- Datasheet Detail - The Datasheet report send email now supports the add attachments feature.
Daily Diary
- Daily Files - An issue where files attached from Daily Diary Files where not visible from the Attached Files List is rectified.
- Configuration - The Timesheet Group Jobs menu is moved under System Setup - Daily Diary, rather than being under Timesheets. Also the control parameter 'Filter Daily Diary By TimesheetGroupJobs' is catagorised as 'Daily Diary' instead of 'Timesheets'.
- Email - An issue where auto BCC to sender was not working is rectified. This feature is enabled by the ctrl param 'BCC Email Sender'.
New Reports
- wbJobEnquirySummary001 - Job Summary - A multi-section summary report is now available from Job Enquiry - Details tab.