- Profit Centre Analysis can now be provided in Xero by populating a Profit Centre Tracking Category when exporting. See Xero Profit Centre Analysis /wiki/spaces/XEROAPI/pages/44619202
- Payments against non-claim AP Invoices can now be synced back to Workbench, according to the Interface Import AP Invoice Payments control parameter.
- The AR Invoice details are now populated with the Job description concatenated with the Invoice title.
- On AP Invoice exports the Supplier name now populate into the Memo field.
- Previously export batches could get stuck in a Processing state. Now exports go to Error status if they are not processed within 10 minutes.
Purchase Orders
- The Purchase Orders List now correctly filters according to Profit Centre Groups.
- The Address Name field that is visible when clicking “More…” is always defaulted with the company name, and if a different description is required then it must be edited.
- Creating a new job manually with the copy job Masterfile option now also copies the BudgetActivityGroupCode and ForecastActivityGroupCode fields. This provides compatibility with MDE functionality.
- The Contract Type is no longer mandatory in Job creation.
- Previously claim schedules created from Web Workbench were not visible in the MDE. This has been amended.
- Schedule lines now have a Section column which can be used for grouping lines when printing schedule reports.
- The Address Name field that is visible when clicking “More…” is always defaulted with the company name, and if a different description is required then it must be edited.
Service Logs
- All data entry on a Service Log now has the Job on the Log Header applied - there is no longer any job selection at the line level. Once transactions have been entered on a log, the job on the Log Header cannot be changed.
Purchase Orders
- The Purchase Orders List now correctly filters according to Profit Centre Groups.
- If an email processed by the Email Engine fails, because of an invalid email address for example, the sender is sent an email notifying the error.