Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Workbench Release Notes

titleGeneral Beta Release

Scheduled Release - 10 February 2025

  • PO List:
    Improved performance when loading the PO List while using control parameter ‘PO List uses Profit Centre Groups’.

titleHotfix Release

Scheduled Release - 4 February 2025

  • PO List:
    Fixed a bug when using CP ‘PO List uses Profit Centre Groups’, where not all POs where being displayed.

  • Upvise Integration screen - manual sync:
    Manual syncs from the Upvise integration screen where not working, however the hourly auto-sync was not affected. Fixed.

titleGeneral Release
  • New Contract Claim Payment Certificate enhancementes
    Detailed Payment Claim Certificate (Schedule) % Complete: renamed report header and a % Complete grand total.
    This report s only compatible with the new Progress Claim process.

titleHotfix Release
  • Voucher editing This Voucher tab lines
    On previous release (here) we made a change as to when permission ‘Voucher Lines Edit’ allows a user to edit lines across all Vouchers tabs.
    Further more, on this hotfix release, we introduce a new permission that will block the editing of This Voucher Tab from editing, even though the user has the editing permissions:
    New permission: Disable Voucher Lines Tab
    It is not added to any role by default, as this is not a common scenario across our client base.

titleBeta Release

Scheduled Release - 27 January 2025


Upcoming Functionality & News



Exclude Contract Schedule from Retentions

Contract Schedules have an option to indicate that the Schedule should be excluded from Retention calculations: Exclude From Retention
The flag is currently ignored.

We will be applying changes so that this flag is taken into account when calculating Retentions on a Contract Claim.
Please review your Claim Schedules.


Due Date on Contract Claims

Currently, the calculation of the Contract Claims Due Date is based on the client’s Payment Terms. We will be enhancing the logic to support using contract-specific parameters like in Subcontracts to indicate the basis of the calculation for the Due Date.




New Features

Enhanced Access Control to Financial Integration Screens

Access to Financial Integration screens (Xero, MYOB AccountRight, MYOB Acumatica, Business Central/Wiise) is controlled solely through licences.

We have introduced enhanced access control with more granular permissions, allowing you to define what each user can do on the integration screens. Users will be able to:

  • Access only the data synchronization functionality from the financial systems to Workbench.

  • Access the ability to set up or modify the integration configuration.

  • Have access to both.

These changes provide the flexibility to safely grant access to users who only need to perform data synchronization, ensuring more secure and role-appropriate access management.


What you need to know:


Financial integration screens are available for all role licences (if included in the user’s site map profile).


  • Financials Admin to access the config fields and action buttons.

  • Financials Sync to access the sync button only.


Included by default in Administrator role and Finance role.
Therefore, other Roles may lose access to the financial integration screen and must be setup by System Administrator.


Supplier Insurance checking on Purchase Orders:


For those scenarios where Purchase Orders are used to engage many subcontractors on small jobs for a short period (every week different ones), we have now introduced a check for valid Insurances (not expired).

  • New control parameter to enable this: "Insurance PO Checking"

  • Checks that an existing Insurance is not expired: Warn, Disallow, No.

  • Default value = Warn.

  • For now the company must be flagged as both Supplier & Subcontractor. However, from next version, the Subcontractor flag will not be necessary for validation on POs: having only the Supplier tick will enable the Insurances tab.
    Subcontractor will enable the Insurances tab. Supplier enables it to be selected as a supplier in the PO.


Purchase Order List - enhance Profit Centre Group security:
The existing control parameter ‘PO List uses Profit Centre Groups’ has been enhanced so the Purchase Ordes do not display on the user’s list when a Job on the PO lines is not part of the user’s Profit Centre Group.


Feature Revisions




Job Budget





Purchase Order List - enhance Profit Centre Group security:
The existing control parameter ‘PO List uses Profit Centre Groups’ has been enhanced so the Purchase Ordes do not display on the user’s list when a Job on the PO lines is not part of the user’s Profit Centre Group.

Job Procurement - improved Summary displays AP Invoiced


AP Invoiced - shows line quantities that have been AP invoiced, does not include unapproved AP vouchers. AP invoices are reconciled to PO lines not receipts.


Issued - shows line stock quantities issued for stock requisitions


Receipted - shows uninvoiced line quantities receipted ie. Receipted - AP invoiced. This is an aggregate quantity as AP invoices are reconciled to PO lines not receipts.


Ordered O/S - shows unreceipted / uninvoiced PO line quantity ie. PO qty - max( Receipted, AP invoiced)


Requisitioned - shows unissued line stock quantities requisitioned ie. Requisitioned - Issued


Remaining - shows line quantity not procured ie. Required - Requisitioned - Ordered O/S - Receipted - Issued - AP Invoiced


Better filters on AP Invoices Enquiry:
Since AP Invoice numbers can be either numeric or a mix of letters and numbers, we have improved the filtering options:

The Reference column has changed to Invoice No:


Added Start with and Like options, and Like is the new default


  • Foreign Currency on Xero AP Payments:
    In some countries with large exchange rate fluctuations (like Papua New Guinea), our clients find it valuable to be able to capture the prevailing FC rate and LC value on Payments for Foreign Currency Accounts Payable.
    For this reason we have made some enhancements on the Xero integration for Payments:

    • Xero API integration now brings back extra information on AP Payments:
      PaymentExchangeRate and PaymentLCValue

    • This columns are not visible from the UI. They will only be used for reporting purposes outside of Workbench.

    • New nullable columns PaymentExchangeRate and PaymentLCValue to the Payments and wbif.PaymentsTrf tables.

    • Sharperlight reporting can be used to identify where there are significant differences between exchange rates on the AP payment and the original AP invoice.





Derived codes on Job Invoice Lines for Input Output based charge types:


  • I Input

  • O for Output

  • IO for Input & Output new

The rules on Input-Output based sales are:

  1. When all invoiced lines are Job Outputs, Derived code is O

  2. When all invoiced lines are Job Trans, Derived code is I

  3. When invoiced lines are a mix of Job Outputs and Job Trans, Derived code is IO

  4. Additionally:

    1. When the Job Trans invoiced lines are written off, and only Job Ouputs are sold, Derived code is O

    2. When the Job Outputs invoiced lines are written off, and only Job Trans are sold, Derived code is I

    3. When selling the Job Trans at $0, and writing off the Job Outputs, Derived code is I

    4. When selling the Job Outputs at $0, and writing off the Job Trans, Derived code is O

    5. When selling a mix of Job Trans and Job Outputs all at $0, Derived code is IO

image-20250128-025628.pngImage Removed

Month End

  • Utilities - Remove Training data:
    wbRemoveTrainingProfitCentre has been reviewed to avoid invalid errors when executing it.
    This utility is used to delete any data linked to a training Profit Centre commonly used at the beginning of an implementation for testing & training purposes.



Event Logs are now saved in UTC time:

  • Users in any region will see the Log time on their local time.

  • The event is saved in UTC.

  • An Event log entry has been made to mark the date from where this change took place:
    EventType = ‘System’
    Details = ‘EventLog.EventDateTime format changed from Now to UTCNow’







$Type for document type


$ReferenceLabel eg. AP Voucher ID


$Reference eg. VoucherID









Any other token available on the body can be used on the Subject.

Beta Features


New report only compatible with the new process: Detailed Payment Claim Certificate (Schedule) % Complete


  • This report is aimed for Projects where quantities are not relevant. All quantities have been removed and a % Complete has been added (Total Claim To Date * 100 / Schedule Amount)

  • It reads the Contract Summary from Schedules, not from Budgets.

  • New section on the Schedule lines grid with a Claim History. When this report is printed after the Claim has been certified it will show clearly when the claim has been undercertified. The Project Manager might want to re-send this to remind their client that they have certified less than what was claimed, as a reminder that this difference will continue to be claimed in future claims.

Previous Claims section on reports:






In Dispute:
A new status is now available on Contract Schedule lines, In Dispute. It can be used to flag a Claimed line on a Contract Claim that was not fully certified and that you do not agree with the certification. The line status can be edited when entering the Certified values on Get Sales. This status will carry over to the following claim to remind the person working on it that there are some values that need to be claimed again.
Status options: Approved, Unapproved, In Dispute.






Check out all you need to know about this new process here

Fixes & Technical changes


Fixes & Technical Changes:

PO reports grouping exact same PO lines


PO reports have been fixed so those PO lines that are the same, are displayed as separate lines rather than one only.
  • Contract Claim Reports - Handle hundred million values in one line on Schedule line details:
    If the Schedule rate is a large number (example 100,000,000.00 hundred million or ten millions) the last digits move to the next line. This has been rectified and more space allocated to the value columns on the reports below:
    Detailed Payment Claim Certificate (Schedule) wbContractClaim017
    Detailed Payment Claim Certificate by Line Status wbContractClaim015
    Contract Claim Schedule by Line Status wbContractClaim012

  • Budget FC Sell Rate
    Previously the applicable FC sell Rate was brought through to the Default Sell only, this now defaults through to FC Sell Rate as well

  • Workbench API

    Foreign Keys update:
    A change has been made to allow foreign keys to be updated using TableRowAPI method.






    Things we are busy working on...

    🔎 Custom Views on List screens, and exploring the ability to add extension columns to these views. This will expand your reporting ability on the List screens.
