These endpoints end with the suffix ‘Detail’. The expose the CRUD operations of a resource and so usually support the GET, POST, and DELETE HTTP methods. These operations are symmetric, meaning that they share the same JSON data structure. So that the response from a GET request can be modified and used as the body of a POST request to update the resource.
API Operations will usually be Most API methods are performed as the authenticating logged in user (i.e. the Workbench account that was used in to generate authentication header). However, some methods will always be performed as a special Workbench Admn user. This user always has a PersonID of 1. Some methods also accept a PersonID in the request that will be used to perform the operation. If you find and endpoint unexpected behaviour, please check the setup of the performing user.
Postman is an third party application that lets you test and explore web APIs without having to write code. To get up and running with the Workbench API follow these steps: