General Release
Scheduled Release - 12 September 2022
Workbench Release Notes
Beta Release 4.5.
Scheduled Release - 05 19 September 2022
Feature Revisions
Month End data on Job Enquiry:
This tab released on is now always enabled. It was previously enabled by a Control Parameter.
This tab is designed to present a financial summary of the job based on data that has been batched and exported to the Accounting System. Key financial items like WIP and Accruals are displayed as part of this view, these are not normally shown on the Job Enquiry.
A Company name can now be up to 100 characters. This is editable from the Company Maintenance screen.
Dockets &
Daysheet transactions not editable:
Timesheets + Plant Issues, Plant Issues, and Stock Issues entered from a Daysheet that are in batches that have been Closed or Exported, cannot be edited or deleted.
Purchase Requisitions:
Lines with long Job names:
Purchase Requisitions with lines with Job Names larger than 50 characters were throwing an error when displayed. This has been rectified and long Job names don’t cause an invalid error.
Purchase Orders:
Closed Job selection not allowed:
Jobs with a status of Closed cannot be selected on the PO header or on the PO lines. Purchases are not allowed against Closed Jobs.
Log No on a Timesheet:
On those Timesheets where the Log No column is enabled, and where a Log No is populated, the value was not cleared after the user deleted and saved the Timesheet. This has now been rectified and the Log No value stays empty after clearing it and saving the Timesheet.
Input and Output based billing large amount of lines:
The system can now handle a larger number of lines (hundreds) to be invoiced on the Get Sales screen.
Month End
Locking Auto-batches while being exported:
Extra validation has been added to ensure that while a system auto-batch is being exported, no additional data can be added to them. These batches are now provisionally flagged as exported at the beginning of the export process.Batching Negative Claims:
To cater for those Financial systems that cannot handle negative invoices, we have introduced a new Control Parameter to decide how to batch and export a Negative Claim and Negative Subcontract Claim. Control parameter name: ‘Batch Negative Claims as Credits'
When set to Yes, then for contract and subcontract claims where the total is negative:the claim will be batched into an AR or AP Credit batch instead of an AR Invoice or Subclaim batch.
Otherwise, the negative claims are batched as currently.
Note that the existing CP to batch negative Subcontract claims into an AP Credit batch (Batch Negative Subclaims as AP Credits), will be deprecated and replaced by this new one.
A data script will automatically set the new Control Parameter to the same value as the old Control Parameter.