Workbench Release Notes
General Release
Scheduled Release - 01 August 2022
Hotfix Release
Scheduled Release - 28 July 2022
Business Central:
Fix to handle importing large number of Job Receipts
Beta Release
Scheduled Release - 25 July 2022
New Features
Expense Claims
Workflow approvals:
A new method of approvals has been added to Expense Claims. Workflow approvals can now be used instead of using approvals based on Timesheet Group Authorities. This is enabled by Control Parameter Expense Claim Approval Process = Workflow.
Key aspects to it:Reviewers and approvers are defined within the Workflow Schema. An Expense claim assigned for review or approval will show in My Approvals screen.
An Expense Claim must be marked as Complete by the claimant (with the check box) for the Submit button to appear. The user can then select Reviewer/Approver where available.
Claimant can uncomplete an EC if it has not been submitted yet, and amend or attach files.
The current Workflow assignee with permission “Expense Claim Admin Review/Approval“ can edit an Expense Claim.
‘Expense Approvals' screen becomes unavailable when using workflow approvals. 'Expense Administrator’ screen will still be available for Admins where they can manually flag an EC as Paid.
Note |
To switch to Workflow approvals first make sure all existing Expense Claims are Approved. Existing EC with the Standard approval cannot be switched to Workflow approvals. |
Feature Revisions
Job Contract - Bonds:
A display issue where the Bond name was not displaying on the list of Contract Bonds has been rectified.
Dockets and Daysheets
Changing Daysheet Date changes Job Transactions Date:
When changing a Daysheet Date, the date on Job Transactions in that Daysheet will also be updated to the new Daysheet date.
Catalogue Maintenance:
A new option on Grid Management has been added to manage columns on Catalogue Lines. The three recently added columns, Group, Category, Sub-Category, are now set as hidden by default. These options are mainly used for large catalogues to make maintenance easier. If needed they can be made visible through the new grid on Grid Management: Catalogue Lines.
Subcontract Claim:
Payment Due Date:
Payment Due Date on a subclaim was displaying a calculated default date, rather than displaying the date that was saved on the claim. This was only a display issue, the date was always saved in the background when edited. This has been rectified.Orphan Claimed value:
When a Subcontract Claim Line that was initially certified and subsequently uncertified (removed from the Claim), the actual Job Transaction was not being deleted leaving a Cost on the Job. This has been rectified and the Job transaction linked to a subcontract claim line is deleted when the line is uncertified.
Plant Issues:
Bulk Plant Assignment process to allow bulk plant issues against more than 1 plant assignment at a time, has been re-engineered for better performance in those cases where a large number of Approved Plant Assignments exist.
Plant Assignments enhancements:
End Date is not mandatory anymore on Plant Assignments. This mitigates the risk of setting an End Date and forgetting about it.
On plant assignment screen if you edit and click ‘Save & Close’ it prompts to save, this unnecessary extra step has been removed.
A new option to stand down all assignments on the stand down screen has been added. It applies a given stand down to all active assignments.
On the Bulk Plant issue process, a warning has been added if the period entered is more than a month. This is in case someone enters a date in the future by mistake.
In order to manage large volumes of active assignments, when finalising a Job, this will automatically set the Assignment status to Closed. When a Job’s Closed Date is set, this will trigger the validation of any existing active assignment lines (where the end date is after the finalised date entered on the job) and display an error if any exist.
EBA Mode:
EBA Mode control parameter value was cached until the application was restarted. This has been changed so the change takes effect as soon as the EBA mode is updated.EBA Tags on Jobs and Employees:
The selection of EBA tags on Jobs and Employees has been increased to display up to 20 tags matching the text typed by the user, Tags are now displayed in alphabetical order.EBA Additional Profiles:
The rules to convert excess hours on ‘Time and Half' Group into 'Double Time’ were not working. This has been rectified.
Revenue Forecast enhancements:
Account Manager option has been added as a filter.
Create Tile option has been added to the [Apply filter] button, which will create a shortcut tile on the Main dashboard with the filters selected.
Variance column values now show in red when the value is different to zero. The To Spread column does not show in red anymore.
When hiding Type column in Grid management, the Totals row at the bottom used to disappeared. This has been rectified.
GST on Manual AR Invoice lines:
GST type is now a mandatory field on AR Invoice Manual lines. Previously it was not enforced which incorrectly allowed invoices to be exported with no GST type.Input/Output Get Sales Markup Summary:
On the Summary tab of Get Sales, a new summary by Activity type is displayed. This is for Jobs with an Input based or Output base charge type (or both). Activity types will be grouped by: Time, Purchase, Stock, Plant, and Other (which groups any other Activity types). It displays an analysis of the transactions invoiced on the current invoice including Cost, Markup, Invoice Value, Markup %.
The purpose of it is to assist anyone reviewing or approving this Invoice, understand what’s being charged.
Labour Costing on Revenue & Cost Element and Cost Element Cost Sheets:
Cost Rate, Total Cost, Markup %, Margin % are now re-calculated once the Activity Code has been selected. The combination of Employee Class, Activity, and Time Code affects the Cost values, and because the Activity is the last field selected, the fields listed before have to be recalculated.
When a Time Code (Applied Rate) is selected, the list of Activity Codes available for selection is now limited to valid activities for the Time Code.
The re-Pricing routine is now executed when the Activity Code is selected because there could be rules on the Price code that involve this specific Activity Code, and the Selling rate, Total Sell and Margin % can change based on this selection.
Example: Employee Class is selected first, and Sell Rate and Total Sell will default from it, but values/ rules can change further when the Time Code and Activity Code are selected.
Extension columns on a Quote:
The name of Extension columns that were the same as existing Quote fields were not displaying on the Extension Columns tab. This has been rectified.
Month End
Timesheet batches:
When historical Timesheet batches are printed and jobs have subsequently changed FinCos, the inter-co GL posting were not being calculated correctly. This has been rectified.
Work Breakdown
Cost Categories Sequence:
Job Categories now have a Sequence number to control the order Cost Categories display on the different screens.
System Setup
Reporting - Reports:
The 'Export to Excel' option on SSRS reports now downloads a file with a .xlsx extension.
Email attachments using Office 365 authentication:
Re-engineered the Office 365 integration to cater for larger file attachments on emails. Maximum total attachments size suggested is 20 MBs per email.
O365 will allow you to send a larger size attachment, but the destination server will probably reject it as the majority SMTP servers reject attachments larger than 20 MBs.
User setup - Licences:
When assigning a Licence to a User from Application Access tab, now only purchased and unassigned licences will be available for selection. This is to avoid assigning licences that the site does not have available which causes an error when saving. One less headache when setting up new users.
Business Central
Job Receipts and Credit memos:
When importing Job Receipts, Customer Ledger Entries are excluded when the document type is Credit Memo.